The chemistry of precious-metal-based open-shell mononuclear complexes remains underdeveloped. Now it has been shown that iridium metalloradicals enable Ir(II)/Ir(IV) redox cycles and catalyse olefin isomerization more efficiently than their more commonly used closed-shell analogues, which typically ope...
Read the latest articles of Organic Chemistry Frontiers at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Read the latest articles of The Journal of Organic Chemistry at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Research papers, journal articles and scientific articles by Organic ChemistryResearch papers, journal articles and scientific articles from journals in this sector: Here you will find abstracts and references of the latest publications by Organic Chemistry....
Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry is a peer-reviewed journal encompassing all aspects of modern organic chemistry. Covers organic synthesis, theoretical organic chemistry, and problems of structure of organic compounds and mechanisms of organic reactions. ...
学科分区:CHEMISTRY,ORGANIC:Q1 在中科院最新升级版中,大类化学和小类有机化学均位于2区。 学科分区:CHEMISTRY,ORGANIC:2区 05 年发文量 JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY的发文量较多,总体呈缓慢上涨的状态,去年增刊较多,有助于投稿。2018-2021年发文量为:1558、1576、1501、1712篇。
学科分区:CHEMISTRY,ORGANIC:Q1 在中科院最新升级版中,大类化学和小类有机化学均位于2区。 学科分区:CHEMISTRY,ORGANIC:2区 05 年发文量 JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY的发文量较多,总体呈缓慢上涨的状态,去年增刊较多,有助于投稿。2018-2021年发文量为:1558、1576、1501、1712篇。
以通讯作者在药物化学领域国际著名刊物Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry等发表SCI论文50余篇;已授权中国发明专利7项、欧洲专利1项、日本专利1项。曾获国家科技进步奖二等奖(2016)、江苏省科学技术一等奖(2015)、中国药学会-施维雅青年药物化学奖(2016)。作为主要负责人之一设计...
1、钴催化偶氮苯通过二硼化肼中间体硼化还原为氢化偶氮苯期刊:The Journal of Organic Chemistry单位:温州大学化学与材料工程学院作者:Wenli Wang, Yuli Wang, Yiying Yang, Shanshan Xie, Qi Wang, Wenwen Chen, Shuo Wang, Fangjun Zhang , Yinlin Shao原文篇名:Cobalt-Catalyzed Borylative Reduction of ...
Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry is an international peer reviewed journal that covers all aspects of modern organic chemistry including organic synthesis, theoretical organic chemistry, structure and mechanism, and the application of organometallic compounds in organic synthesis. Join the conversation abo...