go test -v github.com/jfrog/jfrog-client-go/tests -timeout 0 [test-types] [flags] If you'd like to run a specific test, add the test function name using the -run flag. For example: go test -v github.com/jfrog/jfrog-client-go/tests -timeout 0 -run TestGetArtifactoryVersionWith...
Note: this artifact is located at Hyperledger Besu repository (https://hyperledger.jfrog.io/artifactory/besu-maven/) Compile Dependencies (1) Category/License Group / ArtifactVersionUpdates LoggingMITorg.slf4j » slf4j-api 2.0.10 2.0.16 Runtime Dependencies (26)...
问题是,当我将不同的部分添加到兄弟项目中时,这意味着我有两个项目定义了buildscript {}部分。
Note: this artifact is located at Hyperledger Besu repository (https://hyperledger.jfrog.io/artifactory/besu-maven/) Compile Dependencies (1) Category/License Group / ArtifactVersionUpdates LoggingMITorg.slf4j » slf4j-api 1.7.36 2.0.16 Runtime Dependencies (24)...
Add Jfrog Artifactory Secretes engine as External Secrets option in Hashicorp Vault !4486 (Ivo Ivanov @urbanwax) Add fleeting subcommand to manage fleeting plugins !4690 Extend GitInfo with RepoObjectFormat to store object format !4645Bug fixesFix...
artifactory-plugin - cannot resolve com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:jar:2.4.0 from token-macros dependency, works with my default settings (refer toanalysis of failure) blueocean-plugin - cannot resolve com.atlassian.jira:jira-rest-java-client-api:jar:5.2.1, works with my default settings ...
在web项目中同时集成了spring mvc和mybatis。 将jdbc配置参数独立在外部配置文件中,然后通过<context:...
We recommend thatJFrog Cloud customerscontinue using jcenter.bintray.com, gocenter.io, and repo.chartcenter.io as Artifactory remote repositories going forward. JFrog self-hosted customerscan also continue fetching from these repositories, but are encouraged to migrate to the canonical repositories. ...
The registry that I'm attempting to push to is not affiliated with GitLab in any way. It's an internal JFrog Artifactory. Collapse replies Tim Rizzi @trizzi · 5 years ago Developer @Micky-D Thanks for submitting the issue and for all of the helpful details. Do you know if the ...
代码来源:org.jfrog.buildinfo/build-info-apiBuildInfoDeployer.(...)public BuildInfoDeployer(ArtifactoryConfigurator configurator, ArtifactoryBuildInfoClient client, Run build, TaskListener listener, BuildInfoAccessor buildinfoAccessor) throws IOException, InterruptedException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { super(...