享受30 天免费自托管 DevOps 平台试用 JFrog Artifactory -对二进制文件、制品和依赖项进行通用管理 JFrog Xray -进行开源漏洞扫描,包括策略和监视 名字* 姓氏* 电子邮件* 公司* 区域*Country中国大陆中国台湾中国香港中国澳门United StatesUnited KingdomGermanyCanadaFranceAustraliaSwedenSwitzerlandNetherlandsIndiaAfghanist...
JFrog Artifactory开源版: http://www.jfrogchina.com/open-source/ JFrog Artifactory企业版(免费试用): https://www.jfrog.com/artifactory/free-trial/?lang=zh-hans#High-Availability Ubuntu环境搭建 1.下载开源版.rpm https://jfrog.com/open-source/ 2.安装 用alien转换RedhatLinux包.rmp为Ubuntu包.deb...
5. 参考文档 http://www.jfrogchina.com/support-service/training-free-artifactory/ http://www.jfrogchina.com/open-source
5. 参考文档 http://www.jfrogchina.com/support-service/training-free-artifactory/ http://www.jfrogchina.com/open-source 1. 2.
Artifactory natively supports Cargo repositories for the Rust language, giving you full control of your deployment and the dependency resolution process of Rust crates through the Cargo package manager. Rust is an open-source systems programming language that focuses on speed, memory safety, and parall...
JFrog Artifactory是conan的后台服务. JFrog Artifactory是通用制品管理系统(与Sonatype是同类产品),不仅支持conan,还支持支持所有包类型(maven,gladle,npm,go,rpm,deb,docker,nuget…) ,全部开发语言 connan官网提供的后端程序 JFrog Artifactory 准确说是免费的JFrog Artifactory 社区版 (JFrog Artifactory Community...
初识JFrog Artifactory 背景 在软件项目开发中,一个项目常常依赖于大量的外部库,而这些外部库又在不断的进行版本更新,特别是在当前微服务开发越来越流行的情况下,一个服务依赖于多个服务,如何管理依赖库以及依赖版本,确保开发有序进行呢? JFrog ArtiFactory
Step 1: Create an Artifactory repository If you do not already have an account you can start up a free trial or get yourself a free instance to play with. Log in to your Artifactory dashboard. Navigate to Repositories in the sidebar. Click + Add Repositories. Select Docker. Name your rep...
运行之后,在 Artifactory 的 Conan repository 里就可以看到上传的依赖包了。 之后当再次需要使用这些依赖包时,就可以在执行 “conan install” 时利用 “-r <REMOTE>” 参数指定从私有仓库获取了。 编译C++应用 执行“conan install” 之后,除了会下载相应依赖包的二进制 package 之外,还会自动生成编译相关的参数引...
Hello, First, thank you for this great tool. I've got an authentication error when using a private Python package index with JFrog Artifactory. My pyproject.toml config: [[tool.uv.index]] name = "mypi" url = "https://factory.internal.org...