{OSOrderedSet*me =newOSOrderedSet;if(me && !me->initWithCapacity(capacity, ordering, orderingRef)) { me->release(); me =0; }returnme; } 开发者ID:Apple-FOSS-Mirror,项目名称:xnu,代码行数:13,代码来源:OSOrderedSet.cpp 示例6: IORWLockRead ▲点赞 1▼ /*** * Is personality already in...
{ OSOrderedSet *me =newOSOrderedSet;if(me && !me->initWithCapacity(capacity, ordering, orderingRef)) { me->release(); me =0; }returnme; } 开发者ID:Apple-FOSS-Mirror,项目名称:xnu,代码行数:13,代码来源:OSOrderedSet.cpp 注:本文中的OSOrderedSet::initWithCapacity方法示例由纯净天空整理自Gi...
Commits BreadcrumbsHistory for skia bench GrOrderedSetBench.cpp onmaster User selector All users DatepickerAll time Commit History Commits on Feb 27, 2014 Add GrSet class built on top of RedBlackTree commit-bot@chromium.orgcommittedFeb 28, 2014 4fcc3ca End of commit history for this file...
i add items form the bottom set of list boxes which are bound to a data base to the top set of list boxes which are not bound, I select from the bottom set and add to the top set which works fine, but now i decide to remove an item from the top set. when i tried to ...
The cpp reference (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concepts/totally_ordered) saysstd::totally_ordered<T>is modeled only if, given lvalues a, b and c of typeconst std::remove_reference_t<T>: Exactly one ofbool(a < b),bool(a > b)andbool(a == b)is true; ...
根据这两个 Key 可以在c1_GraphBuilder.cpp中找到 C1 编译后的优化,两个方法分别是:case vm...
modifier.setPointCloud2FieldsByString(1,"xyz"); modifier.resize(pc.size()); vertex = pc.get_vertices(); size_tvalid_count(0); if(use_texture) { rs2::video_frame texture_frame = (*texture_frame_itr).as<rs2::video_frame>(); ...
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/set_intersection/ EDIT: The set_intersection algorithm returns an iterator past the end of the intersection that begins where specified (set1.begin(), in this case), not a copy of the intersection. See the example in the link above. Typo on line...
When the current rate was set back to electrode can still deliver a reversible capacity of the 0.1 C, tbhaerechLaiNrgie0.5aMnnd1.d5Ois4chnaarngoerocadpaecleitcitersodoef dLeiNnsi0i.t5yMann1d.5Ora4-pgidraplihtheinaetioconm/dpeolistihtieateiloenctrdoiddenroetcocvaeursetoatnhye original...
开发者ID:M-Scholli,项目名称:XCSoar-SE,代码行数:18,代码来源:Deserialiser.cpp 示例2: Deserialise ▲点赞 7▼ voidLoadTask(OrderedTask &task,constConstDataNode &node,constWaypoints *waypoints){ task.Clear(); task.SetFactory(GetTaskFactoryType(node)); ...