当我满心欢喜期待问题解决的时候,运行orderCells仍然出现同样的报错,问题依然存在! 于是我怀疑刚刚改过的包并没有被成功加载,加载的,是之前新版本的monocle包,于是我重启R studio ,重新来了一遍,发现到monocle加载不了,显示没有这个包,推测这是因为我修改后的monocle包虽然被我拖到library文件夹中了,但是并没有被成...
师弟在做单细胞拟时序分析的时候遇到了报错: monocle 2.24.1 orderCells() Error in if (isSparseMatrix(counts)) { : the condition has length > 1 Calls: subMonocle2 ... estimateSizeFactors -> .local -> estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix 查到的常规解决办法是https://github.com/cole-trapnell-lab/mono...
这是monocle 本身的版本或者 R语言版本更新导致函数不兼容,具体表现是 orderCells() 函数涉及一句判断语句:Error in if (class(projection) != "matrix") projection <- as.matrix(projection) : the condition has length > 1 这是版本不兼容导致的: projection <- rbind(projection, tmp) -> "matrix", "a...
4. save the 'order_cell.R' file. 5. windows 安装7-Zip软件,先压缩成tar文件,再压缩成gz文件。 6. 安装monocle_2.24.0.tar.gz软件。 7.Done. and managed to run the 'orderCells(cds)'.
哪怕是在Linux服务器也可以解决monocle2的orderCells报错 by 单细胞天地 这个monocle2的orderCells报错我们已经多次分享了,无非就是R包升级导致的问题,见:解决monocle中orderCells报错的一波三折,如果是在个人电脑,无论是Mac还是Windows我们很容易跟着上面的教程解决这个monocle2的orderCells报错,但是很多小伙伴是在Linux环...
#---##Order cells (calculate pseudotime) by dimension reduction results (not PCA) produced by reduceDimension()Monocle2_object<-orderCells(Monocle2_object,num_paths=1)#---##Show the dimention reduction and pseudotime resultsplot_cell_trajectory(Monocle2_object)...
Hi Monocle works well on 10x dataset about 3k cells, but when I move on to larger dataset like about 30k cells, the orderCells() takes about 36 hours, I wonder whether this step can be paralleled? Thanks.Collaborator Xiaojieqiu commented Aug 3, 2017 Hi Yifang, Monocle 2 should be ...
publicObject[]orderCells(booleanback) { returnorderCells(back,null); } 代码示例来源:origin: com.github.vlsi.mxgraph/jgraphx /** * */ publicvoidactionPerformed(ActionEvente) { mxGraph graph=getGraph(e); if(graph!=null) { booleantoBack=getValue(Action.NAME).toString() ...
直接官网:bioconductor.org/packag 按照提示,用BiocManager::install("monocle") 安装就可以。现在是2.28.0版本。 废话版: 以前解决报错的帖子: 360doc.com/content/22/0 zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/61 也许有人自学的时候会从别处听说要装个修改后的2.24.0版本,现在是2023年9月,已经没有必要了。自己装最新的2.28.0...
SPECIAL ENGINEERING CHANGE ORDER CELLSA method for correcting a plurality of violations in a circuit design and new cells used in the method are disclosed. The method generally includes the steps of (A) implementing a first engineering change order in the circuit design to correct a first of ...