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Solve a second-order BVP in MATLAB® using functions. For this example, use the second-order equation y′′+y=0. The equation is defined on the interval [0,π/2] subject to the boundary conditions y(0)=0, y(π/2)=2. To solve this equation in MATLAB, you need to write a func...
plot(t,y(:,1),'-o',t,y(:,2),'-o') title('Solution of van der Pol Equation (\mu = 1) with ODE45'); xlabel('Time t'); ylabel('Solution y'); legend('y_1','y_2') Pass Extra Parameters to ODE Function Copy Code Copy Command ode45 works only with functions that use two...
Sign in to answer this question.Answers (1) Star Strider on 18 Mar 2021 Vote 0 Link ‘Do I have to convert it into system of 2 first order equation?’ Yes. The Symbolic Math Toolbox can make that easier. Use the odeToVectorField and matlabFunction functions to create it as ...
The mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics is built on linear algebra, while the application of nonlinear operators can lead to outstanding discoveries under some circumstances, such as the prediction of positron, a direct outcome of the Dirac equation which stems from the square-root of the ...
Hello, I need to solve a system of differential equations. It looks like c1*dy1/dt + c2*dy2/dt+c3*y1+c4*y2 = u1; m1*dy1/dt + m2*dy2/dt+m3*y1+m4*y2 = u2. How do I solve for y1 and y2? u1 and u2 are known functions of time. ...
Solve a second-order BVP in MATLAB® using functions. For this example, use the second-order equation y′′+y=0. The equation is defined on the interval [0,π/2] subject to the boundary conditions y(0)=0, y(π/2)=2. To solve this equation in MATLAB, you need to write a func...
order ordinary differential equations is to convert them to systems of first-order differential equations, and then solve those systems. The example uses Symbolic Math Toolbox™ to convert a second-order ODE to a system of first-order ODEs. Then it uses the MATLAB solverode45to solve the ...