2.9 hierarchy of operations 44 2.10 built-in matlab functions 47 2.10.1 optional results 47 2.10.2 using matlab functions with array inputs 47 2.10.3 common matlab functions 47 2.11 introduction to plotting 48 2.11.1 using simple xy plots 49 2.11.2 printing a plot 50 2.11.3 ...
You can create column vectors in a single command by creating the row vector and transposing it all on one line. Note the use of parentheses here to specify the order of operations. >> x = (1:2:5)' x = 1 3 5 In a single command, create a column vector named x that starts at...
The order of operations also matters here because if you used the mask before edge detection, the edges of the mask would become strong lines that would result in false positives at the detector. In the input video, the area in which the vehicle might encounter a pothole is limited to the...
the order of the schemes will also be affected. Therefore, this article will Vϵ[0,1]With 0.1 as the step size, the value was taken 11 times, and the sensitivity analysis was performed to test the stability
3、Logical Operations and Assignments(逻辑操作和分配) 1)Many numerical and logical operators can be applied to strings(许多数字和逻辑运算符可以应用于字符串) 示例代码: str='aardvark';'a'==str 输出结果:(查找str字符串中,若等于‘a’则为1,否则为0) ...
The while loop structure performs infinite loop operations on the loop body until the loop body satisfies the loop end condition, or terminates after reaching a certain number of loops. while expression commands end 其中,expression是条件表达式,一般情况下,expression的计算结果是一个标量,但也可以是一个...
can relieve a programmer's burden in developing these functions. Therefore, Matlab is chosen here to illustrate the computer implementation of FEA modeling; readers are able to focus on the understanding of FEA procedure and principles rather than the programming of operations in linear matrix ...
仿真时用到的模块示波器scope在子模块Sinks中,Sum在子模块MathOperations中,Mux在子模块CommonlyUsedBlocks中,SignalGenerator在子模块Source中;分别将各模块进行连接,将两个SignalGenerator模块的信号选择为sinewave,并将振幅分别设置为1和2、频率均设置为1,运行仿真程序,观察示波器的仿真结果,如图C9-2所示。 图C9-1...
CPU (central processing unit).The central unit in a computer responsible for calculations and for controlling or supervising other parts of the computer. The CPU performs logical and floating point operations on data held in the computer memory. ...
7、值移动平均模型Zero -Order Hold零阶保持器4.逻辑和位操作模块Logic and Bit Operations名称功能说明Bit Clear位清零Bit Set位置位Bitwise Operator逐位操作Comb in atorialLogic组合逻辑Compare To Con sta nt和常量比较Compare To Zero和零比较Detect Change检测跳变Detect Decrease检测递减Detect Fall Negative检测...