Order11, Rule 21 of the CPCBAPOO M. MALCOLM
The presence of chain rule and the derivative of composite functions allows the nonlinear fractional differential equations to translate into the ordinary differential equation employing wave alteration. To explore such categories of resolutions, the extended tanh-method is accomplished via Conformable ...
CPCdelaywritten statementinterpretation of statutesjudicial discretionDelay in the disposal of cases has been a cause of serious concern for the judiciary and the legislature alike. The story of Rule 1 of Order VIII of the Code ofSachdeva, Amit M...
The Young's moduli, shear moduli and the radial strain induced torsion response of chiral single walled carbon nanotubes are investigated systematically using a nanoscale continuum theory based on higher order Cauchy-Born rule. The computational results indicate that the Young's moduli and s...
Guiding principles in the matter of Order 38 Rule 5, CPCAnupam Lahiri
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Time-of-Day Control Double-Order Optimization of Traffic Safety and Data-Driven Intersections Chen Xu 1, Decun Dong 1, Dongxiu Ou 1 and Changxi Ma 2,* 1 The Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering, Ministry of ...