Order11, Rule 21 of the CPCBAPOO M. MALCOLM
As pointed out by one of the reviewers, it is also possible to use an implicit midpoint rule instead of trapezoidal rule to update the velocity. In tests not documented here, this variant of Boris-SDC showed improved long-term energy errors compared to the variant using trapezoidal rule. How...
We started using this app on February 2024, and the Order Legend campaigns have brought in over 190 orders worth more than $9K of incremental revenue for my store. This app has boosted our revenue by 21%! Using this app has been completely risk-free, and we've already seen amazing resul...
The presence of chain rule and the derivative of composite functions allows the nonlinear fractional differential equations to translate into the ordinary differential equation employing wave alteration. To explore such categories of resolutions, the extended tanh-method is accomplished via Conformable ...
(1) with reference to the pay drawn in the post of SSA, whereas the pay of ASO(DR) is fixed under Rule 8 of CCS(RP)Rules, 2016 at the minimum pay or the first Cell in the Level, applicable to ASO to which he is appointed. In such a case, the senior ASO (DR) cannot claim ...
CPCdelaywritten statementinterpretation of statutesjudicial discretionDelay in the disposal of cases has been a cause of serious concern for the judiciary and the legislature alike. The story of Rule 1 of Order VIII of the Code ofSachdeva, Amit M...
The Young's moduli, shear moduli and the radial strain induced torsion response of chiral single walled carbon nanotubes are investigated systematically using a nanoscale continuum theory based on higher order Cauchy-Born rule. The computational results indicate that the Young's moduli and s...
Guiding principles in the matter of Order 38 Rule 5, CPCAnupam Lahiri
Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 870 4 of 18 was the segmented point of the time-of-day control scheme, which provided a new way of studying the multi-factor time period division method. Wang divided the total traffic flow at the intersections of four entrance directions (east, south, west,...