OrCAD X PCB Layout is an intuitive PCB layout solution that offers a streamlined workflow for routing, multilayer designs, ECAD/MCAD collaboration, and more.
OrCAD Documentation Editor是一个智能的PCB文档创建工具。自动化文档创建流程能让您只需要传统方法的一小部分时间便可以创建复杂PCB文档。使用传统的Windows桌面应用程序的风格和模型化组件,OrCAD Documentation Editor可以让用户快速的创建PCB制造和组装生产图纸。 制造商 Cadence Design Systems 楷登电子 美国 主要功能 ...
Cadence OrCAD PCB Designer 是一套经过验证的、可扩展的、低成本的设计输入和PCB设计工具。具有Standard和Professional套装,包含了原理图设计工具Capture和PCB设计工具PCB editor,为普通用户群体带来了高端PCB设计流程和工具软件包,OrCAD印制板电路设计成为一个内容丰富的、充分可扩展的解决方案。OrCAD PCB Designer具有从...
Customize Your PCB Design Experience with OrCAD new features like design reuse, advanced PCB routing technologies, In-design DFM, Interactive 3D Canvas
OrCAD X is the OrCAD PCB design solution reimagined for the next generation of design challenges - customizable, intuitive, simplified.
OrCAD X Presto PCB Editor gives you a user-friendly interface to help you effortlessly place, route, analyze, and visualize your PCB like never before.
应用程序无法启动,因为应用程序的并行配置不正确。OrCAD Capture CIS突然打不开,问题出在注册表,卸载时候并没有改变注册表,解决:运行->regedit->找到HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software下的ORCAD文件夹,点击右键删除,再打开ORCAD就可以成功。Cadence的 Model Editor突然打不开(打开不显示界面),也是同样解决...
orcad pcb editor lite (all products) will let you experience the features and functionality of the latest orcad software, with the limitations of design size and complexity, but no time limit. the orcad pcb editor lite includes the following tools: orcad capture, orcad capture cis, pspice a/...
Orcad X PCB Editor vs PrestoJS202408156358 3 months ago I am trying to understand the thought process behind dividing up features that force one to use both editors. For e.g., one cannot align vias in Orcad X Professional Editor (only the Allegro license can), but you...
Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and PCB Editorcircuit designers