Cadence OrCAD PCB Designer 是一套经过验证的、可扩展的、低成本的设计输入和PCB设计工具。具有Standard和Professional套装,包含了原理图设计工具Capture和PCB设计工具PCB editor,为普通用户群体带来了高端PCB设计流程和工具软件包,OrCAD印制板电路设计成为一个内容丰富的、充分可扩展的解决方案。OrCAD PCB Designer具有从...
OrCAD PSpice Designer is software meant to aid in the simulation and testing of both mixed-signal and analogue circuits. This is a great solution for engineers who are designing a specific device and wish to observe its effects within a virtual environment before implementing it into a real-worl...
Look to Altium Designer for professional PCB design tools instead of an OrCAD PCB design software free download.
OrCAD®PCB设计解决方案可为您提供PCB设计从概念到生产所需的一切。从智能家居控制器到工业机器人,再到汽车和航天器,OrCAD PCB Designer标准版和OrCAD PCB Designer专业版产品在各个细分市场都经过了真正的可扩展性和生产验证,帮助您在当今的电子市场中保持竞争力。OrCAD PCB设计解决方案可帮助您实时管理更短的设计周...
OrCAD PCB Designer Standard标准版和OrCAD PCB Designer Professional专业版提供了一个分层、可扩展的PCB设计解决方案,可提供高级功能和高度集成的流程。无论您的设计是简单的还是更复杂的,具有更高的密度、复杂的规则、混合信号电路和/或基于标准的接口,OrCAD PCB设计解决方案都具备您所需的一切,可以提高团队的生产力...
OrCAD X empowers electrical engineers and PCB designers to create, design, analyze, and collaborate through schematic capture, simulation, PCB layout, and manufacturing.
OrCAD X empowers electrical engineers and PCB designers to create, design, analyze, and collaborate through schematic capture, simulation, PCB layout, and manufacturing.
1. OrCAD PCB Designer Professional 与Allegro PCB Design 相互兼容,且操作习惯基本一致 2. 具有协同进行信号完整性分析的能力,方便PCB设计师直观检查耦合和阻抗问题。 3. OrCAD PCB Designer Professional 具有自动布线的能力。 4. 支持ECAD-MCAD协同设计能力,支持导出IDX等格式。
Productivity Toolbox Panelization functionality included in OrCAD and Allegro PCB Designer. Watch Video 3:13 Allegro PCB Editor Overview Video Easily tackle complex and cutting edge designs with the help of advanced routing technologies, in-design analysis, manufacturability checks, team collaboration...
OrCAD PCB Designer 开发者名称: Cadence Design Systems 最新版本: 17.2 软件类别: 实用程序 软件子类别: 其它 操作系统: Windows软件概述OrCAD电路板设计者是一个分层的,可扩展的PCB设计解决方案,提供先进的功能和高度集成的流动。强大的,紧密集成的PCB设计技术包括示意性捕捉,图书管理员工具,PCB编辑和路由(PCB编者...