This is a modified ORB_SLAM2 (fromhttps://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2, thanks for Raul's great work!) with a online point cloud map module running in RGB-D mode. You can visualize your point cloud map during the SLAM process. How to Install Unzip the file you will find two direct...
将ORB_SLAM2下的Vocabulary子文件夹复制粘贴到ORB_SLAM2_modified文件夹下 3.编译 进入ORB_SLAM2_modified文件夹 cdORB_SLAM2_modified 给build.sh文件权限 chmod+x build.sh 编译build.sh文件 ./build.sh 1)错误1 原因:ORB-SLAM2_RGBD_DENSE_MAP-master/tools里的bin_vocabulary文件出问题了,在编译的时候会...