I thought this was a relatively simple question, and Oracle itself provided the TO_CHAR function, with the Format function, to satisfy the condition: [SQL] Select To_char (123.4, ' 9999990.00 ') as AA from dual; Select To_char (n, ' 9999990.00 ') as AA from dual; Select To_char (...
decimal_places:要保留的小数位数,对于保留两位小数,该值应设为2。 示例: sql SELECT TRUNC(123.4567, 2) AS truncated_value FROM DUAL; 3. TO_CHAR() 函数 TO_CHAR() 函数可以将数值转换为字符串,并指定格式化格式,从而保留两位小数。 语法: sql TO_CHAR(number, 'format_model') number:要格式化的数...
TRUNC(number, [decimal_places]) number是要截断的数字,decimal_places是可选参数,表示要保留的小数位数,如果不指定decimal_places,则默认为0,即截断所有小数位。 假设我们有一个名为employees的表,其中有一个名为salary的列,存储员工的薪水,现在我们想要查询所有员工的薪水,但只保留整数部分,可以使用以下SQL语句: ...
Conversion of Date Format from yyyy-MM to yyyy-MM-dd in SSRS report parameter Convert a Crystal Report formula Convert a date into Integer in a SSRS expression Convert a field to display month-year in SQL Reporting convert columns to rows in ssrs Convert from Number to Text- Exporting to ...
This returns the amount with a leading dollar sign, commas every three digits, and two decimal places. Refer to theSQL Language Reference Manualfor a full list of the valid number formats you can specify. TO_DATE expr , format Converts the expressionexprof text data type to a date data ...
TO_NUMBER(string): 将字符串转换为数字。 TO_DATE(string [, format_model]): 将字符串转换为日期。 5、其他有用的单行函数: NVL(expr1, expr2): 如果expr1为NULL,则返回expr2的值,否则返回expr1的值。 NVL2(expr1, expr2, expr3): 如果expr1不为NULL,则返回expr2的值,否则返回expr3的值。
SQL> SELECT NAME FROM V$DATAFILE; NAME --- /fsl/dbs/tbs_01.dbf /fs1/dbs/tbs_02.dbf . . . /fsl/dbs/tbs_09.dbf 9 rows selected. You must enter symbols other than acctbal NUMBER(11,2); brackets, braces, vertical bars, and ellipsis acct CONSTANT NUMBER(4) := 3; points as shown...
Specifying the logical table joins is required so that Oracle BI Server has necessary metadata to translate logical requests against the business model into SQL queries against the physical data sources. Logical joins help Oracle BI Server understand the relationships between the various pieces of the...
BIN (decimal_number ) //十进制转二进制 CEILING (number2 ) //向上取整 CONV(number2,from_base,to_base) //进制转换 FLOOR (number2 ) //向下取整 FORMAT (number,decimal_places ) //保留小数位数 HEX (DecimalNumber ) //转十六进制 注:HEX()中可传入字符串,则返回其ASC-11码,如HEX(’DEF’)...
本文主要来梳理下Oracle中的常用的系统函数,掌握这些函数的使用,对于我们编写SQL语句或PL/SQL代码时很有帮助,所以这也是必须掌握的知识点。 本文主要包括以下函数介绍: 1.字符串函数 2. 数值函数 3. 日期函数 4. 转换函数 5. NULL 函数 6. 聚合函数 ...