decimal_places:要保留的小数位数,对于保留两位小数,该值应设为2。 示例: sql SELECT TRUNC(123.4567, 2) AS truncated_value FROM DUAL; 3. TO_CHAR() 函数 TO_CHAR() 函数可以将数值转换为字符串,并指定格式化格式,从而保留两位小数。 语法: sql TO_CHAR(number, 'format_model') number:要格式化的数...
TO_CHAR函数是Oracle中的一个内置函数,用于将数字转换为字符串,其语法如下: TO_CHAR(number, format) number是要转换的数字,format是可选参数,表示转换后的字符串格式,如果使用9999.99作为格式,则表示保留两位小数。 REPLACE函数是Oracle中的一个内置函数,用于替换字符串中的子串,其语法如下: REPLACE(string, substri...
Format Number in SSRS Format SMALLDATETIME in SELECT statement Format text to ProperCase or TitleCase - Reporting Services 2005 format the no rows message text Format time in 24 hour format Format to 2 decimal places? Format with decimal point in ssrs FormatDateTime hh:mm AM/PM Formatting a ...
TRUNC(number, [decimal_places]):将数字截断为指定的小数位数。 MOD(number1, number2):返回两个数字相除后的余数。 CEIL(number):返回大于或等于数字的最小整数。 FLOOR(number):返回小于或等于数字的最大整数。 POWER(number, power):返回数字的乘方。 SQRT(number):返回数字的平方根。 LOG(number, base):...
For example, users can use the relative date filter to show only sales data that's happened within the last 30 days (calendar months). The default filter is "Today". You can specify a relative date period as either an explicit number of past or future time units (for example, 2 years...
This returns the amount with a leading dollar sign, commas every three digits, and two decimal places. Refer to theSQL Language Reference Manualfor a full list of the valid number formats you can specify. TO_DATE expr , format Converts the expressionexprof text data type to a date data ...
select sysdate,sysdate - 8 *interval ‘2’ hour from dual 3.Round() (四舍五入) 传回一个数值,该数值是按照指定的小数位元数进行四舍五入运算的结果。 SELECT ROUND( number, [ decimal_places ] ) FROM DUAL 参数: number : 预处理数值
语法:chr(p_number [using nchar_cs]) 参数:p_number: 用于检索的 ASCII 码数字代码。 using nchar_cs: 如果指定该参数,将返回国家字符集相对应的字符。 解释:返回指定ASCII码对应的字符。该函数与ascii函数功能是相反的。 示例: SELECT chr(49390) col1, chr(65) col1, chr(97) col3, chr(48) col4...
For additional information, please refer to Items, General Planning Attribute Group and MPS/MRP Planning Attribute Group in the Oracle Inventory User's Guide.Fixed Days SupplyThe planning process places single orders for the quantity that covers the requirements for the user-defined number of days....
BIN (decimal_number ) //十进制转二进制 CEILING (number2 ) //向上取整 CONV(number2,from_base,to_base) //进制转换 FLOOR (number2 ) //向下取整 FORMAT (number,decimal_places ) //保留小数位数 HEX (DecimalNumber ) //转十六进制 注:HEX()中可传入字符串,则返回其ASC-11码,如HEX(’DEF’)...