PLS-00905: object TEST.RAISESALARYisinvalid ORA-06550: line2,column5: PL/SQL: Statement ignored SQL> 出现错误 :该存储过程无效。 what?明明刚刚建立的存储过程啊。然后我就翻到上面创建完之后的一句话,Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.翻译过来应该是:创建的过程带有编译的错误。 也就是说...
PLS-00905: object TEST.RAISESALARY is invalid ORA-06550: line 2, column5:PL/SQL: Statement ignored SQL> 出现错误:该存储过程⽆效。what?明明刚刚建⽴的存储过程啊。然后我就翻到上⾯创建完之后的⼀句话,Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors. 翻译过来应该是:创建的过程带有编译的...
后来在StackOverFlow看到了这个,原文链接如下: 楼主在里面发现了这么一句话: You can’t give a size or precision restriction for the data type of a formal parameter to a function or procedure, so NUMBER(10,0) s...
PLS-00905: object TEST.RAISESALARYisinvalid ORA-06550: line2,column5: PL/SQL: Statement ignored SQL> 出现错误 :该存储过程无效。 what?明明刚刚建立的存储过程啊。然后我就翻到上面创建完之后的一句话,Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.翻译过来应该是:创建的过程带有编译的错误。 也就是说...
ORA-12170:TNS:Connect timeout occurred,说明CPSETL.BI_FEED_CUSTOMER_SNAPSHOT里有远程dblink涉及,需要具体诊断该远程dblink访问问题。
'||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile;' from dba_objects t where t.status = 'INVALID...
The following invalid objects have been found in Oracle database: SQL> select * from dba_objects where status!='VALID' and owner='SYS'; OWNER --- OBJECT_NAME --- SUBOBJECT_NAME OBJECT_ID DATA_OBJECT_ID OBJECT_TYPE --- --- --- --...
The following invalid objects have been found in Oracle database: SQL> select * from dba_objects where status!='VALID' and owner='SYS'; OWNER --- OBJECT_NAME --- SUBOBJECT_NAME OBJECT_ID DATA_OBJECT_ID OBJECT_TYPE --- --- --- --...
ORA-17094Object type version mismatched对象类型版本不匹配。 ORA-17095Statement cache size has not been set未设置语句缓存大小。 ORA-17096Statement Caching cannot be enabled for this logical connection.不能为此逻辑连接启用语句缓存。 ORA-17097Invalid PL/SQL Index Table element typePL 索引表的元素类型无...
java.lang.Object | +--java.lang.Throwable | +--java.lang.Exception | +--java.lang.RuntimeException | +--oracle.olapi.transaction.TransactionalObjectInvalidException public class TransactionalObjectInvalidException extends java.lang.RuntimeExceptionIndicates...