1. 查看数据库中的无效对象 check oracle object SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'; 2. 关闭应用,数据库和监听不能关闭 cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME ./adadstpall.sh apps/apps 3. 用APP用户,执行adadmin打开维护模式并重新编译APPS Schema; 打开维护模式 adadmin->Change Maintenance...
1. 查看数据库中的无效对象 check oracle object SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'; 2. 关闭应用,数据库和监听不能关闭 cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME ./adadstpall.sh apps/apps 3. 用APP用户,执行adadmin打开维护模式并重新编译APPS Schema; 打开维护模式 adadmin->Change Maintenance...
ORA-12170:TNS:Connect timeout occurred,说明CPSETL.BI_FEED_CUSTOMER_SNAPSHOT里有远程dblink涉及,需要具体诊断该远程dblink访问问题。
--编译所有无效PROCEDURE对象BEGIN FOR cur IN ( SELECT object_name ,object_type FROM dba_objects WHERE object_type = 'PROCEDURE' AND status = 'INVALID' ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(cur.object_name); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER ' || cur.object_type || ' ' || cur.object_name || ' COMPILE...
Check your database for invalid objects. Invoke SQL*Plus and log in as the SYS user with SYSDBA privileges. Run the following query: Copy SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'; If the query returns a count value of 0, the database does not have invalid object...
这样的情况可以重新create一下sysnonym:create or replace public sysnonym XXXX for schema.XXXX;不行的话可以先drop 了再create:drop public sysnonym XXX;create or replace public sysnonym XXXX for schema.XXXX;
When DBA checked, it was found that many SYS views were invalid, particularly those starting with DBA_HIST_.DBA tried running utlrp, but it did not acknowledge that any invalid objects existed; however, a select from dba_objects indicates errors....
生产环境中有的组件显示是invalid,有的组件显示是loading. 对于这种情况,联系之前的系统迁移,原因是之前系统在Unix下,迁移到linux的时候,先用传输表空间(sys下的Objects就没有导出),在迁移后就留下了隐患。尽管之后又用goldengate来做同步,但是那部分objects还是没法同步导致的。
4.Then run below script to recompile any invalid objects: SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 故障案例2:Spatial and XDB components are INVALID in DBA_REGISTRY 修复方法: ...