ANDY_MOVE IDX_ANDY_ID VALID 0 0 NO -- move online 分区表 报错 SQL> alter table p_andy move online; alter table p_andy move online * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14808: table does not support ONLINE MOVE TABLE -- move 非分区表 ,不带 online 参数 delete from andy_move where id>10 and ...
ANDY_MOVE IDX_ANDY_ID VALID 0 0 NO -- move online 分区表 报错 SQL> alter table p_andy move online; alter table p_andy move online * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14808: table does not support ONLINE MOVE TABLE -- move 非分区表 ,不带 online 参数 delete from andy_move where id>10 and ...
In previous Releases, To move a table to a different tablespace or segment, we need to take downtime for this activity And after moving the table, we have to rebuild/recreate the indexes. Now with Oracle 12.2, We can move the table online to a different segment or tablespace, without imp...
Oracle中的move命令 从8i开始,oracle开始提供Move的命令。我们通常使用这个命令,将一个table segment从一个tablespace移动到另一个tablespace。Move实际上是在block之间物理的copy数据,那么,我们可以通过这种方式来降低table的HWM。我们先通过一个实验来看看move是如何移动数据的。
以前版本中move table不能够online, move 会引rowid改变使对应的索引失效。 12c 中 alter table move online不会对新事务阻塞同时会自动的维护索引的有效性。 -- 创建实验表 SQL> create table andy_move (id int,name varchar2(10)); Table created. ...
USERENV('SID')---27--执行move操作--session 1zx@ORA12C>altertablet move online tablespace examples;Tablealtered. Elapsed:00:00:34.73--session 2zx@ORA12C>deletefromtwhereobject_name='USER_TABLES';256rowsdeleted. Elapsed:00:00:00.97zx@ORA12C>rollback;Rollbackcomplete.--session 3sys@ORA12C...
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