MOVE ONLINE From Oracle 12.2 onward we can move the table as an online operation using the keyword. In addition to moving the table, the online move automatically maintains the indexes.ONLINE -- Online: Basic move. ALTER TABLE t1 MOVE ONLINE TABLESPACE users; -- Check indexes. SELECT index_...
以前版本中move table不能够online, move 会引rowid改变使对应的索引失效。 12c 中 alter table move online不会对新事务阻塞同时会自动的维护索引的有效性。 -- 创建实验表 SQL> create table andy_move (id int,name varchar2(10)); Table created. -- 插入数据 SQL> begin for i in 1 .. 39 loop i...
ANDY_MOVE IDX_ANDY_ID VALID 0 0 NO -- move online 分区表 报错 SQL> alter table p_andy move online; alter table p_andy move online * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14808: table does not support ONLINE MOVE TABLE -- move 非分区表 ,不带 online 参数 delete from andy_move where id>10 and ...
-- move online 分区表 报错 SQL> alter table p_andy move online; alter table p_andy move online * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14808: table does not support ONLINE MOVE TABLE -- move 非分区表 ,不带 online 参数 delete from andy_move where id>10 and id<20; SQL> alter table andy_move mov...
Now with Oracle 12.2, We can move the table online to a different segment or tablespace, without impacting the DML activities and without making the indexes unusable. It will take care of the Index maintenance activity. SYNTAX – ALTER TABLE MOVE ONLINE; ...
-- Online: Basic move. ALTER TABLE t1 MOVEONLINETABLESPACE users; -- Check indexes. SELECT index_name, status FROM user_indexes ORDER BY 1; INDEX_NAME STATUS --- --- T1_CREATED_DATE_IDX VALID T1_PK VALID 2 rows selected. SQL> We can also use this feature to change table compression...
Oracle 12.2新特性---在线move表 Oracle12.2版本之前,对表做move操作时会对表加exclusive锁,表上无法执行DML操作。虽然move操作有ONLINE子句,但只适用于IOT表,不适用于堆表。这就意味着在对表做move操作时,无法执行任何DML操作,如果对关键表做move操作时只能停业务来完成。到了Oracle12.2版本,推出了一个新特性---在...
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