SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = 'your_table_name'; 这个查询将返回一个包含表中所有列名的结果集。请将your_table_name替换为您要查询的实际表名。 在这个查询中,我们使用了user_tab_columns视图,它包含了当前用户拥有的所有表的列信息。column_name是我们要查询的列名,table_name...
(4)、插入来自其他表中的记录 语法:insert into <table_name> [(cloumn_list)] select column_names from <other_table_name>; eg、insert into student2 select * from student; 三、 事务控制语言(tcl) 放到“事务”讲解 四、 数据控制语言(dcl) 放到“用户和权限”讲解 五、 sql操作符 略 六、 orac...
Table 6-1 Data Stored by Oracle Names Data Description Other Names Server Names and Addresses A Names Server stores the names and addresses of all other Names Servers in the same region. If there is more than one region in a network, the Names Server will store the name and address of...
constraint_name- table's PK constraint name columns- list of table's PK columns separated with ',' status- table's PK status (ENABLED / DISABLED) Rows One rowrepresents one table in a database Scope of rows:all tables and their PK constraint if exist in a database ...
Choose a certification Error Help Solved Find the most current information for Oracle Database error messages. View Error Help Be a Help Center influencer We're looking for real users like you to learn how we can improve the Help Center to make your job easier. Sign Up ...
CREATE_OUTBOUND( server_name => 'dbzxout', table_names => tables, schema_names => schemas ); END; 其中: CDC为要同步数据表所在的schemas,即CDC需要抓取哪个schemas下的数据,请根据实际情况设置。 dbzxout为出站服务器名称,需保证唯一,请根据实际规划设置。 c. 退出连接 `exit;` d. 执行以下...
1-1 2 Tables Overview This section provides information about tables within Oracle Fusion CX Analytics warehouse and their columns, primary keys denoted as key columns, data types, and the referred table and column names. Note: Tables ending with the suffix _EN and those listed in Tables ...
| help [tablename] | | quit | | | +---+ The above output will display if connection has been established successfully. Next, trying to send a simple query to list tables in the database: SQL> show tables; +---+ | Tables_in_test | +--...
OracleTableDataset.type() Returns: the type value.validate public void validate() Validates the instance. Overrides: OracleTableDataset.validate() withAnnotations public OracleTableDataset withAnnotations(List annotations) Set the annotations property: List of tags that can be used for describing ...