1.获得当前用户有权限的表的信息(ALL_TABLES ) (只要对某个表有任何权限,即可在此视图中看到表的相关信息) 表中各字段说明如下: 参考:https://www.iteye.com/blog/appleses-2280054
To showall tablesin the entire Oracle Database, you query from thedba_tablesview as follows: SELECTtable_nameFROMdba_tables;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) You will get the following error message if you don’t have access to thedba_tablesview: ...
(2)You cannot selectively revoke tablespace access from a user with the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege. You can grant selective or restricted access only after revoking the privilege. Listing All Tablespace Quotas Use the DBA_TS_QUOTAS view to list all tablespace quotas specifically assigned to each...
2、 FREELIST(自由列表) Oracle通过维护FREELIST列表来记录或更新所有可用的数据块。当执行INSERT语句时,Oracle首先在FREELIST列表上搜索可用的空闲数据块,搜索成功之后将数据插入到那个空闲块。块在FREELIST列表中的可用性由PCTFREE参数值来决定。起初一个空块在FREELIST列表上列出,并且会一直保留,直到空闲空间达到PCTFR...
AVG_ROW_LEN* NUMBER Average length of a row in the table (in bytes)AVG_SPACE_FREELIST _BLOCKS NUMBER Average freespace of all blocks on a freelist NUM_FREELIST_BLOCKS NUMBER Number of blocks on the freelist DEGREE VARCHAR2(10) Number of threads per in...
CREATE TABLE ListTable ( id INT PRIMARY KEY , name VARCHAR (20), area VARCHAR (10) ) PARTITION BY LIST (area) ( PARTITION part1 VALUES ('guangdong','beijing') TABLESPACE Part1_tb, PARTITION part2 VALUES ('shanghai','nanjing') TABLESPACE Part2_tb ...
See AllOperating Environments AI Solutions Hub Leverage AI, embedded as you need it, across the full stack. Go to AI Solutions Hub Cloud Applications Fusion Applications Suite Financials Supply Chain & Manufacturing Human Resources Sales Automation ...
SQL> select * from all_directories; 4、查看数据库现有模式、是否归档 SQl>select name,log_mode from v$database; 也可以用下面的语句 archive log list;(该方法需要as sysdba) 查看数据库的创建日期和归档方式 SQL> Select Created, Log_Mode, Log_Mode From V$Database; ...
OracleTableDataset.type() Returns: the type value.validate public void validate() Validates the instance. Overrides: OracleTableDataset.validate() withAnnotations public OracleTableDataset withAnnotations(List annotations) Set the annotations property: List of tags that can be used for describing the ...