1.获得当前用户有权限的表的信息(ALL_TABLES ) (只要对某个表有任何权限,即可在此视图中看到表的相关信息) 表中各字段说明如下: 参考:https://www.iteye.com/blog/appleses-2280054
NUM_FREELIST_BLOCKS:表的自由列表块数 DEGREE:表的并行度 INSTANCES:表的实例数 通过查询ALL_TABLES视图,可以获取表的计数信息,例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_TABLES; 推荐的腾讯云相关产品:腾讯云数据库(TencentDB),提供了多种数据库产品,包括云原生数据库TDSQL、分布式数据库TBase、关系...
FREELISTS NUMBER Number of process freelists allocated to the segment; null for partitioned tables FREELIST_GROUPS NUMBER Number of freelist groups allocated to the segment; null for partitioned tables LOGGING VARCHAR2(3) Logging attribute; NULL for partitioned tables ...
ALL_XXXX-> List of objects that user has access TO(当前用户可以访问到的对象) DBA_XXXX-> all tables in the database,List of all objects available in database.(数据库中的所有对象,需要DBA的角色的用户查看) ---表信息--- ALL_TABLES:Description of relational tables accessible to the user USER...
columns- list of table's PK columns separated with ',' status- table's PK status (ENABLED / DISABLED) Rows One rowrepresents one table in a database Scope of rows:all tables and their PK constraint if exist in a database Ordered byschema, table_name ...
SHOWTABLES;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) Unfortunately, Oracledoes notdirectly support theSHOW TABLEScommand. However, you can list all tables in a database by querying from various data dictionary views. Show tables owned by the current user ...
4、表: select * from dba_tables; analyze my_table compute statistics;—〉dba_tables 后 6 列 select extent_id,bytes from dba_extents where segment_name=’CUSTOMERS’ and segment_type=TABLE’ order by extent_id;//表使用的 extent 的信息.seg ...
数据库 Oracle分区表详解(Oracle Partitioned Tables) 当单表数据量随着时间变的越来越大时,会给数据的管理和查询带来不便。我们可以考虑对表进行分区,利用分区表特性将数据分成小块存储,可以大幅提升查询性能,管理便捷性及数据的可用性。 目录 一、分区表概述...
List Oracle Tables
DatasetListResponse DatasetLocation DatasetReference DatasetResource DatasetResource.Definition DatasetResource.DefinitionStages DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.Blank DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource DatasetResource.Defini...