import oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonArray; import oracle.sql.json.OracleJsonFactory; public class JsonArrayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { OracleJsonFactory factory = new OracleJsonFactory(); OracleJsonArray arr = factory.createArray(); arr.add("hello"); arr.add(123); arr....
Description A simple example of how JSON_TABLE works over an array Area SQL General / JSON Contributor Oracle Created Monday October 03, 2016 Statement 1 CREATE TABLE customers (doc CLOB CONSTRAINT doc_valid_json CHECK (doc IS JSON)) Table created. Statement 2 INSERT INTO customers (...
public class JsonValueExample { public static void main(String[] args) { OracleJsonFactory factory = new OracleJsonFactory(); OracleJsonArray arr = factory.createArray(); arr.add(factory.createString("foo")); arr.add(factory.createDouble(123.456d)); OracleJsonObject obj = factory.createObject...
Objects. A JSON object data type is a set of name or value pairs inserted between {} (curly braces). The keys must be strings and separated by a comma and should be unique. Arrays. An array data type is an ordered collection of values. In JSON, array values must be type string, ...
pljsonfor json object pljson_listfor json array pljson_stringfor json string pljson_numberfor json number pljson_boolfor json true/false pljson_nullfor json null and all these types descend from typepljson_element while in version 2 the object type pljson_value is a container that contains...
Objects.A JSON object data type is a set of name or value pairs inserted between {} (curly braces). The keys must be strings and separated by a comma and should be unique. Arrays.An array data type is an ordered collection of values. In JSON, array values must be type string, number...
etc as the existing SQL/JSON operators JSON_Value or JSON_Table. JSON_TRANSFORM allows the user to perform multiple modifying operations like setting or removing field values or appending to an array. The operations are executed in the order they're provided by the user. Optional ...
maxConcurrentConnectionsThe upper limit of concurrent connections established to the data store during the activity run. Specify a value only when you want to limit concurrent connections.No Example: JSON "activities":[ {"name":"CopyToOracle","type":"Copy","inputs": [ {"referenceName":"",...
jsonObj json; begin --Create a new JSON object, passing the JSON code as the constructor jsonObj := json('{"greeting":"Hello World"}'); --Output the value for the JSON data with the key "greeting" dbms_output.put_line(json_ext.get_varchar2(jsonObj, 'greeting')); ...
Consider the following example: CREATE TABLE JSONTable ( DocumentIdentifier INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, JSONDocument JSON); MySQL 5.7.22 also added the JSON utility functionJSON_PRETTY()which outputs an existing JSON value in an easy-to-read format; each JSON object member or array...