要向分区表写入数据,您可以使用INSERT语句来执行。以下是一个示例: INSERT INTO partitioned_table (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (value1, value2, value3); 复制代码 其中,partitioned_table是分区表的名称,col1, col2, col3是表中的列名,value1, value2, value3是要插入的值。 请确保提供了正确的列名...
8 partition by range(grade) 9 ( 10 partition bujige values less than(60), --不及格 11 partition jige values less than(85), --及格 12 partition youxiu values less than(maxvalue) --优秀 13 ) 插入实验数据: 1 insert into graderecord values('511601','魁','229',92); 2 insert into ...
insert into partition_table values(1,1001,'haha',to_date('2012','yyyy')); insert into partition_table values(2,1002,'sasa',to_date('2013','yyyy')); insert into partition_table values(3,1003,'dada',to_date('2014','yyyy')); insert into partition_table values(4,1004,'faga', to_...
[tablespace2,...])] ( PARTITION partition_name1 VALUES LESS THAN(literal | MAXVALUE) [TABLESPACE tablespace1], PARTITION partition_name2 VALUES LESS THAN(literal | MAXVALUE) [TABLESPACE tablespace2] );
要向分区表写入数据,可以使用INSERT语句并指定分区键的值。例如: INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...) PARTITION partition_name; 复制代码 在上面的语句中,table_name是分区表的名称,column1, column2, ...是要插入的列名,value1, value2, ...是要插入的...
When to Partition a Table什么时候需要分区表,官网的2个建议如下: Tables greater than 2GB should always be considered for partitioning. Tables containing historical data, in which new data is added into the newest partition. A typical example is a historical table where only the current month's da...
oracle的数据处理之insert,delete,truncate partition,bulk collect into,oracle数据量较大时一些操作方法,从select开始,追加insert,insertappend,bulkcollectinto,mergeinto速度比较,附加delete/truncatepartition
--添加分区会报错 alter table p_range_maxvalue_test add partition t_p4 values less than(40); 1. --使用split完成上面没有完成的分区任务 alter table p_range_maxvalue_test split partition t_pmax at (40) into (partition, partition t_pmax); 1....
INSERT INTO EMPLOYES VALUES(360,'小三',to_date('1966-09-01','yyyy-mm-dd')); INSERT INTO EMPLOYES VALUES(785,'张三',to_date('1956-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')); --分区只对查询做限制,要么指明表区间,要么就直接from 按照分区查询 SELECT * FROM EMPLOYES PARTITION(t1); ...
PARTITION FOR('||v_date||')'; select count(partition_name) into v_part_number from all_tab_partitions where table_owner='PD01' and table_name='PD_TESTDATA'; insert into pdms01.del_testdata_log(exec_time,dropped_partition_date,remain_partition_number) values(sysdate,to_char(v_date),v...