The ALTER TABLE...ADD PARTITION command adds a partition to an existing partitioned table. Overview You can use the ALTER TABLE...ADD PARTITION command to add a partition to an existing partitioned table. Syntax: ALTERTABLEtable_nameADDPARTITIONpartition_definition; ...
add partition成功,因为不存在maxvalue分区。检查主键和索引: select index_name,status from user_indexes where table_name='TP2'; select index_name,partition_name,status from user_ind_partitions where index_name='IDX_TP2_C2' order by partition_name; 经检查,add partition对global和local索引均无影响,...
其中,table_name是分区表的名称,partition_name是新分区的名称,VALUES LESS THAN (value)定义了分区的数据范围。其他选项是可选的,用于指定分区的表空间、存储参数、并行度等。 3. 提供一个具体的示例,说明如何为已存在的表添加新分区。 假设有一个按日期范围分区的表sales,现在我们想添加一个新的分区,包含2024年...
add partition成功,因为不存在maxvalue分区。检查主键和索引: select index_name,status from user_indexes where table_name='TP2'; select index_name,partition_name,status from user_ind_partitions where index_name='IDX_TP2_C2' order by partition_name; 经检查,add partition对global和local索引均无影响,...
Add Time in SQL HH:MM:SS to another HH:MM:SS Adding a column to a large (100 million rows) table with default constraint adding a extra column in a pivot table created uisng T-SQL Pivot Table query Adding a partition scheme to an existing table. Adding a Value to a 'date' Col...
1.2.5 In case new partitions or existing partitions contains DEFAULT partition, new partitions <partition_name1>...<partition_nameN> can have any bounds inside split partition bound (can be spaces between partitions bounds). 1.2.6 In case partitioned table does not have DEFAULT partition, ...
The first step to add a column to table is to create a new user or use an existing user. The preexisting userADMINis used in this article. Grant the user privileges to alter any table. GRANT ALTER ANY TABLE TO ADMIN; Further, create a new tablet1to which a column is to be added....
Not supported for Oracle Publishers.[ @queue_type = ] N'queue_type'Specifies which type of queue is used. @queue_type is nvarchar(10), and can be one of these values.Expand table ValueDescription sql Use SQL Server to store transactions. NULL (default) Defaults to sql, wh...
This parameter is deprecated and is only supported for the backward compatibility of scripts. You can no longer add publication information to the Microsoft Active Directory. [@logreader_job_name= ] N'logreader_job_name' The name of an existing agent job.@logreader_job_nameissysname, with a...