Further, when the instance is in restricted mode, a database administrator cannot access the instance remotely through an Oracle Net listener, but can only access the instance locally from the machine that the instance is running on. 根据文档的描述,如果数据库处于RESTRICTED SESSION状态,则禁止用户采...
Further, when the instance is in restricted mode, a database administrator cannot access the instance remotely through an Oracle Net listener, but can only access the instance locally from the machine that the instance is running on. 根据文档的描述,如果数据库处于RESTRICTED SESSION状态,则禁止用户采...
SQL> grant select, update on product to user02 with grant option; // user02得到权限,并可以传递。 实体权限回收: user01: SQL>Revoke select, update on product from user02; //传递的权限将全部丢失。 说明 1)如果取消某个用户的对象权限,那么对于这个用户使用WITH GRANT OPTION授予权限的用户来说,同样...
SQL语句为:grant select on sys.access$ to zsk with grant option; 查询zsk用户的对象权限语句为:select * from dba_tab_privs where grantee='ZSK';--请注意两个绿色的不同哦 系统权限的赋权一般为 to 用户,对象权限的赋权一般为on 用户。 (4),去权操作 revoke 权限 from 用户; 例如,以上的zsk用户,现...
SQL>grant connect, resorce to user50 with admin option;//可以传递所获权限。 系统权限回收:系统权限只能由DBA用户回收 SQL>Revoke connect, resource from user50; 说明: 1)如果使用WITH ADMIN OPTION为某个用户授予系统权限,那么对于被这个用户授予相同权限的所有用户来说,取消该用户的系统权限并不会级联取消...
Access to list of value (LOV) pages is not restricted and therefore there is no need to grant access to LOV pages. When a user can access a page, he can also access all the LOVs used in that page. Menu options to which the user does not have access,...
A newly created user cannot connect to the database until you grant the user the CREATE SESSION system privileges. So, immediately after you create the user account, use the GRANT SQL statement to grant the user these privileges. If the user must access Oracle Enterprise Manager, you should ...
面向Oracle Fusion Applications 的 Oracle European Union Restricted Access (EURA) Cloud Service 全面考虑了欧盟数据驻留需求。 什么是 Oracle EURA Cloud Service? Oracle EURA Cloud Service 旨在确保所有客户服务环境、客户数据和可能包含客户数据(例如内存转储)的衍生数据集仅驻留在欧盟数据中心,以满足欧盟客户的数据...
GRANT <system_privilege> TO <grantee clause> [WITH ADMIN OPTION] 例如: grant create session to emi; grant create session to emi with admin option; 在授予系统权限之前仔细考虑安全要求。某些系统权限通常只能授予给管理员: • RESTRICTED SESSION:使用这个权限可以登录,即使数据库是在受限模式下打开时也是...
数据库控制语言(Data Control Language,DCL),用于控制用户对数据库的访问。常见的三条命令是GRANT、REVOKE、SET ROLE。我们将常见的SQL命令归纳一下,如表2-1所示。表2-1 常见的SQL命令2.1.4 Oracle的结构划分为更好地理解和管理Oracle,从不同的角度,Oracle服务器结构被分为内部存储结构、进程结构、物理结构以及...