We recommend you create a dedicated group/user and grant that group the permission to manage streams in the appropriate compartment or tenancy. You then can generate an auth token for the user you created and use it in your Kafka client configuration. Can I privately access Streaming APIs from...
GRANT INSERT ON films TO PUBLIC; 赋予用户 manuel 操作视图 kinds 的所有权限: GRANT ALL ON kinds TO manuel; 兼容性 SQL92 SQL92 GRANT 语法允许对表中的某单独列/字段设置权限,并且允许设置一权限以赋予别人相同权限. GRANT privilege[, ...] ON object[ ( column[, ...] ) ] [, ...] TO { PU...
INSERT INTO pg_group VALUES ('todos');CREATE USER miriam IN GROUP todos; 参考REVOKE 语句重新分配访问权限.用法 给所有用户向表films 插入记录的权限: GRANT INSERT ON films TO PUBLIC; 赋予用户manuel 操作视图kinds 的所有权限: GRANT ALL ON kinds TO manuel; 兼容性 SQL92 SQL92 GRANT语法允许对表中的...
The system copies the contents ofSKEL(/etc/skel) to the new user’s home directory. View the newaliceentry in the/etc/groupfile. Copy grepalice /etc/group Example Output: Copy alice:x:1002: When creating the newaliceuser, the system creates a new private group (alice,GID=1001) because...
INSERT INTO pg_group VALUES ('todos');CREATE USER miriam IN GROUP todos; 参考REVOKE 语句重新分配访问权限.用法 给所有用户向表 films 插入记录的权限: GRANT INSERT ON films TO PUBLIC; 赋予用户 manuel 操作视图 kinds 的所有权限: GRANT ALL ON kinds TO manuel; 兼容性 ...
-- permissions to administer SQL Server publishing for an Oracle -- database. -- -- &&ReplLogin == Replication user login -- &&ReplPassword == Replication user password -- &&DefaultTablespace == Tablespace that will serve as the default ...
Now you want to grant select,update,insert privilege on this table to other user “SAMI”. grant select, update, insert on emp to sami;Suppose you want to grant all privileges on emp table to sami. Thengrant all on emp to sami;
To manually clean up Oracle replication objects created by replication: Connect to the Oracle publisher with DBA permissions. Issue the SQL command DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM MSSQLSERVERDISTRIBUTOR;. Issue the SQL command DROP USER <replication_administrative_user_schema>``CASCADE;. SQL Server Error 21663 ...
1. Terms Applicable to Specific Content and Areas of the Site Some areas of the Site or Content provided on or through the Site may have additional rules, guidelines, license agreements, user agreements or other terms and conditions that apply to your access or use of that area of the Site...
有一个示例脚本可以帮助建立 Oracle 复制用户架构。 安装 SQL Server 后,脚本位于以下目录中:<drive>:\\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<InstanceName>\MSSQL\Install\oracleadmin.sql。Script to Grant Oracle Permissions主题中也包括了此脚本。 使用具有 DBA 权限的帐户连接到 Oracle 数据库并执行此脚本。 此...