Second, use theGRANT ALL PRIVILEGESstatement to grant all privileges to thesuperuser: GRANTALLPRIVILEGESTOsuper;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) Third, log in to the Oracle Database as thesuperuser: And query thesuperuser’s privileges: ...
grant select,delete,insert,update on user1.t_hr to user2; grant all on user1.t_hr to user2; 具体存储过程执行权限 grant execute on procedure1 to user1 表空间 alter user user1 default tablespace app; 限制修改的列 grant update(wage,bonus) on teachers to user1 收回权限 revoke insert on ...
select * from user_role_privs 结果应该是两条记录,每一条是一个权限
但是把它移到function里面却报错了: Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release Connected as tuser1 SQL> SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sum2(p_deptno IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS 2 l_ret NUMBER; 3 BEGIN 4 dbms_lock.sleep(5); 5 SELECT SUM(sal) 6 INTO l_ret...
grant create user to 用户名; grant alter user to 用户名; grant become user to 用户名; grant drop user to 用户名; 1. 2. 3. 4. --授予用户关于角色的权限: grant create role to 用户名; 1. --授予用户操作概要文件的权限 grant create profile to 用户名; ...
PROFILE application_user PASSWORD EXPIRE Oracle System Privileges It allows the grantee to create, alter, drop and manage database objects. For example, the privileges to create tablespaces and to delete the rows of any table in a database are system privileges. ...
TO user_name | role | PUBLIC [, user_name | role | PUBLIC, ...] [WITH ADMIN OPTION]; --将角色赋予robinson且使用了WITH ADMIN OPTION SQL>GRANTmanagerTOrobinsonWITHADMINOPTION; Grantsucceeded. --robinson有权将角色授予john,如下 SQL>CONN robinson/lion; ...
A GRANT operation to grant object privileges on an editionable object actualizes the object in the current edition. See Oracle Database Development Guide for more information about editions and editionable objects. See Also: CREATE USER and CREATE ROLE for definitions of local, global, and externa...
1、1/ 5oracle仓【J建create user及授权grant查看登陆的用户:以下都可以:showuser;selectsys_c on text(usere nv,sessi on_ use门fromdual;selectuserfromdu al;查看所有登录的用户必须为DBA用户:selectusernamefromv$session;sys system等DBA用户查看其他用户(test)中 的对象俵):SQL select * from test.stude...