connect :可以登录Oracle,不可以创建实体,不可以创建数据库结构。session 创建会话的权限 另外:DBA: 拥有全部特权,是系统最高权限,只有DBA才可以创建数据库结构。RESOURCE:拥有Resource权限的用户只可以创建实体,不可以创建数据库结构。对于普通用户:授予connect, resource权限。对于DBA管理用户:授予connect...
select * from user_role_privs 结果应该是两条记录,每一条是一个权限
grant create session to 用户名;--给用户授权登录 drop user 用户名;--删除用户 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. --授予用户操作表空间的权限: grant unlimited tablespace to 用户名; grant create tablespace to 用户名; grant alter tablespace to 用户名; grant drop tablespace to 用户名; grant manage tablespace to...
SQL>create user test indentified by test; 这样就创建了一个用户名密码都为test的用户 但这个时候test还是不能登陆成功的,我们需要赋予相应的权限 2、赋予create session的权限 SQL>grant create session to test; 这样test用户就能成功登陆进去 但是此时用户还是不能创建表 我们需要赋予用户创建表的权限: ...
See alsoHow to debug Oracle RMAN session What is a oracle Role? A role is a database object used to enforce privileges. A user can be assigned a role in order to set privileges on database objects: GRANT EBS_ADMIN TO SCOTT; It will grant the EBS_ADMIN role with all its privileges ...
GRANTALLPRIVILEGESTOsuper;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) Third, log in to the Oracle Database as thesuperuser: And query thesuperuser’s privileges: SELECT*FROMsession_privsORDERBYprivilege;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) ...
1、1/ 5oracle仓【J建create user及授权grant查看登陆的用户:以下都可以:showuser;selectsys_c on text(usere nv,sessi on_ use门fromdual;selectuserfromdu al;查看所有登录的用户必须为DBA用户:selectusernamefromv$session;sys system等DBA用户查看其他用户(test)中 的对象俵):SQL select * from test.stude...
CREATE SESSION 表空间权限 类型权限 视图权限 表权限 触发器 备份数据库 EXP_FULL_DATABASE IMP_FULL_DATABASE 二、对象权限 具体表的操作权限: grant select,delete,insert,update on user1.t_hr to user2; grant all on user1.t_hr to user2; ...
To start, let’s highlight the fact that in MySQL 8.0 it’snotany more possible to create a user directly from theGRANTcommand: (ERROR 1410 (42000): You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT). This means that to grant some privileges to a user, the user must becreatedfirst....