大表中海量历史数据的更新与删除一直是一件非常头痛的事情,在表已经分区的前提下我们还可以利用并行或者truncate parition等手段来为UPDATE或者DELETE提速, 但是如果对象是普通的非分区对表(non-partitioned heap table)的话,似乎就没有太好的加速方法了, nologging或parallel 对非分区表都没有效果。 Step1:rowid_chun...
REM if update large table Why not online redefinition or CTAS -- This script spits desired number of rowid ranges to be used for any parallel operations. -- Best to use it for copying a huge table with out of row lob columns in it or CTAS/copy the data over db links. -- This can...
> If the selected table is partitioned, then you can choose whether the new table will be partitioned the same way, partitioned differently, or not partitioned. Partitioning is not carried over to the new table. Specify any desired partitioning as part of the CREATE TABLE statement before th...
> If the selected table is partitioned, then you can choose whether the new table will be partitioned the same way, partitioned differently, or not partitioned. Partitioning is not carried over to the new table. Specify any desired partiti...
新建分区表, 然后insert select; 或者在创建新分区表的同时插入(CTAS,create table as select). 完成后做两次rename table操作. 方法2: 在线重定义, 使用DBMS_REDEFINITION, 步骤有点复杂 ,网上有很多介绍该方法的文章, 可以百度一下. 方法3: 创建只有一个分区的分区表, 用exchange partition将原表变成分区表后...
(CTAS)值得注意的地方:使用这条sql创建的表不会带默认值。 操作以下实验证明之: scott@TICKET>createtablep 2 ( id numberprimarykey, 3 usernamevarchar(25) , 4 passwdvarchar(24), 5 emailvarchar(30), 6 birthdate, 7 tel number , 8 sexchar(1)); ...
(CTAS)值得注意的地方:使用这条sql创建的表不会带默认值。 操作以下实验证明之: scott@TICKET>createtablep 2 ( id numberprimarykey, 3 usernamevarchar(25) , 4 passwdvarchar(24), 5 emailvarchar(30), 6 birthdate, 7 tel number , 8 sexchar(1)); ...
ctas_par(p_tab =>'lucifer', p_part_colum =>'par_date', p_part_nums => 24, p_tablespace =>'par'); END; / 创建中间分区表 lucifer_par: create table lucifer_par ( id NUMBER(8), name VARCHAR2(20), par_date DATE ) partition BY RANGE(par_date)( ...
CREATE TABLE AS SELECT(CTAS) statements are executed such that the DML activities (that are part of the CTAS statement) are suppressed on the logical standby database. The rows inserted in the newly created table as part of the CTAS statement are mined from the redo log files and applied ...
*726384210.,,, during CTAS / OERI [ktsircinfo_num1] / dictionary inconsistency for PARTITIONED Tables 666691510.2.0.5,,[25027] / dictionary corruption from concurrent partition DDL ...