ALTER TABLE hash_example COALESCE PARTITION ; --subpartition 的语法对于如下 ALTER TABLE diving MODIFY PARTITION us_locations COALESCE SUBPARTITION; 四、 分区合并 1. 合并父分区 ALTER TABLE range_example MERGE PARTITIONS part01_1,part01_2 INTO PARTITION part01 UPDATE INDEXES; 如果省略update indexes子句...
ALTER TABLE hash_example EXCHANGE PARTITION part02 WITH TABLE hash_part02; 这时,分区表hash_example中的part02分区的资料将被转移到hash_part02这个非分区表中。 七、索引 在分区表上可以建立三种类型的索引:1、和普通表一样的全局索引。2、全局分区索引。3、本地分区索引。 它们之间的区别如下图示。 以表ra...
Oracle分区表(Partition Table)的创建及管理 一、创建分区表ITPUB个人空间V"B_X2^.\_Q 分区表分为四类:1、范围分区表2、列表分区表3、哈希分区表4、组合分区表 下面分别创建四类分区表。ITPUB个人空间_Q$g&T_u+V_x!z&b;Q_X 1、范围分区表 CREATE TABLE range_example( %s_b-^_B ]__ B_S0range_...
oracle分区表的建立方法(Method for establishing Oracle partition table) Oracle provides partitioning techniques to support VLDB (Very, Large, DataBase). The partition table partitions the different columns of the partition column into different partitions by judging the partition column. The partition is...
1、oracle 分区表的建立方法(Method for establishing Oracle partition table)Oracle provides partitioning techniques to support VLDB (Very, Large, DataBase). The partition table partitions the different columns of the partition column into different partitions by judging the partition column. The partition...
But if I have an existing non-partitioned child table and wants to add a partition to this child table based on reference partition, Oracle throws "ORA-00902: invalid datatype error" error. How can I partition existing table using reference partition? Here is the example:...
oracle partition维护操作()oracle event 10434 and drm cache fusion and coordination of inter forum execute immediate动态sql的使用总结 oracle data & temp files management 分区表维护的常用命令.alter table - drop partition - add | - rename | - modifity | - truncate | - split | - move | - ...
For local indexes, index partitioning is maintained automatically when partitions are affected by maintenance activity. This ensures that the index remains equipartitioned with the underlying table. Oracle's partitioning methods are introduced in the following sections: ...
You performed an export of a table partition with DataPump export (EXPDP) For Example: >expdp directory=data_pump_dir dumpfile=test.dmp logfile=test.log tables=test.table_a:table_partition_2 Then during the import of the table_partition_2, you encounter an ORA-39151 error. ...
each partition of a local index is associated with exactly one partition of the table. This enables Oracle to automatically keep the index partitions in sync with the table partitions, and makes each table-index pair independent. Any actions that make one partition's data invalid or unavailable ...