ORA-28041是一个Oracle数据库错误代码,具体表示为“Authentication protocol internal error”,即认证协议内部错误。下面我将从错误含义、可能原因、解决方法和避免策略四个方面进行详细阐述。 一、ORA-28041错误的含义 ORA-28041错误表明在尝试进行数据库认证时,认证协议遇到了内部错误。这通常与数据库的网络认证协议有关...
1、监听服务没有开启。windows平台个一如下操作:开始---程序---管理工具---服务,打开服务面板,启动OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener服务。2、database instance没有起起来。windows平台如下操作:开始---程序---管理工具---服务,打开服务面板,启动oracleserviceXXXX,XXXX就是你的database SID.3、注册...
ORA-28041: Authentication protocol internal errorThe same error happens when attempting to change the password directly through SQLPlus using the SQLPlus in the Forms home ( against a 12.2.x db.If using the SQLPlus from the db home (, it works as expected....
Expired user accounts can't change password and connect from client to DB+April2018PSU, failing with error 'ORA-28041: Authentication protocol internal error'. There is no issue with open user accounts connecting from client to DB+April2018PSU....