@文心快码ora28041 authentication 文心快码 ORA-28041错误是Oracle数据库中的一个常见错误,涉及认证过程中的内部问题。以下是对该错误的详细解答: 1. 解释ORA-28041错误的含义 ORA-28041错误表示在认证过程中发生了内部错误。这通常与数据库的网络认证协议有关,可能是由于协议实现的问题、配置错误、资源限制或底层的...
ORA-28041: Authentication protocol internal errorThe same error happens when attempting to change the password directly through SQLPlus using the SQLPlus in the Forms home ( against a 12.2.x db.If using the SQLPlus from the db home (, it works as expected....
Information in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsExpired user accounts can't change password and connect from client to DB+April2018PSU, failing with error 'ORA-28041: Authentication protocol internal error'. There is no issue with open user accounts connecting from ...