1. ORA-24337 错误的含义 ORA-24337 错误是一个 Oracle 数据库错误,其完整错误信息为 "statement handle not prepared"。这意味着在尝试执行一个 SQL 语句之前,该语句的声明句柄没有被正确准备。 2. 可能导致 ORA-24337 错误的原因 字符集或转换问题:当 SQL 语句中包含的字符集与数据库的字符集不匹配时,可能...
ORA-24337表面上的意思是pl/sql块中的写法有问题,但如果在其他机器上执行没有问题,而在你这里有问题,因此可以判断pl/sql块本身的写法没有错误,问题估计出在你的机器上。所以建议你按如下方向排查:1.你使用的oracle用户是否与其他人一致,如果不一致,检查你的权限是否足够 2.如果Oracle用户一致,检...
Here is a simple example of how to handle cursors properly to avoid the ORA-24337 error: DECLARE my_cursor SYS_REFCURSOR; my_value VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN OPEN my_cursor FOR SELECT column_name FROM my_table; LOOP FETCH my_cursor INTO my_value; EXIT WHEN my_cursor%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT....
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ThreadSafety is set to true, but still we get ORA-24337: statement handle not prepared after a few (approx 5-6) connections are created ThreadSafety should guarantee OCI (client mode) calls thread safe, right? Any ideas, please?Top Plash Devart Team Posts: 2844 Joined: Wed 10 May 2006 ...