ORA-24338错误是一个Oracle数据库错误,具体信息为“未执行语句句柄”(statement handle not executed)。这个错误通常表明,在执行一个OCI(Oracle Call Interface)或预处理语句(prepared statement)时,语句句柄没有正确执行或已经被提前关闭。 2. 分析可能导致ORA-24338错误的原因 语句未执行:尝试获取或操作一个未执行语句...
i am not sure. Django 2.0.7 What error(s) you are seeing? my python3 code defcallprod(pname,kw_in=""):iflen(pname)<2:returnFalsesql=r'''DECLARE result SYS_REFCURSOR;BEGIN%(pname)s('%(kw)s', result);END;'''%{"pname":pname,"kw":"keyword"}withconnection.cursor()ascur:wi...
.Net Oracle ORA-24338 'statement handle not executed' error and some error in one stored Procedure I have the following Stored Procedures create or replace PROCEDURE WEB_AC ( v_iDocid IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL , v_valor IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , v_campo IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , v_error...
Oracle Database Database Error Messages Release 23ai Updated Sep 9, 2024 statement handle not executed Cause A fetch or describe was attempted before executing a statement handle. Action Execute a statement and then fetch or describe the data....
database connector error: 'ORA-24338': statement handle not executed [database wender code: 24338] then it shows: some tables could not be replaced, as no match was found in the new data source. please spacify the table required for any unmodified tables. ...
在create table的时候可以指定引擎类型(engine=InnoDB|MyISAM|Memory),不同存储引擎的表数据存储方式也不...
> error message "ORA-24338: statement handle not executed". This works fine > with SOCI 3.0.0 but as soon as I upgrade to SOCI 3.1.0 it fails :( > > I hope someone can help! > Kevin Rose > DreamWorks Animation > Hi Kevin, ...