1. ORA-27038错误的含义 ORA-27038错误表示“created file already exists”,即尝试创建的文件已经存在。这个错误通常发生在Oracle数据库环境中,尤其是当Oracle试图创建日志文件、数据文件或临时文件时,但目标文件已经存在于文件系统中。 2. 可能导致ORA-27038错误的常见场景 数据库恢复或重建:在恢复或重建数据库的过程...
If the control file block sizeisnot equal to the block sizefordata file1, then the control file cannot be written into the same backupsetasthe data file. RMAN writes the control file into a backupsetby itselfifthe block sizeisdifferent. The V$CONTROLFILE.BLOCK_SIZE column indicates the cont...
then the control file cannot be written into the same backupsetasthe data file. RMAN writes the control file into a backupsetby itselfifthe block sizeisdifferent. The V$CONTROLFILE.BLOCK_SIZE column indicates the control file block size, whereas the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter indicates...
ORA-19504: failed to create file “/home/oracle/backup/full2009_08_A” ORA-27038: created file already exists 这个问题第一次在客户的测试机上执行是成功的,第二次报错,在我自己测试的时候,全新安装的ORACLE也有这样的问题,为什么会出现这样的问题,请看下面的分析: 1.错误中指定要创建的文件已经,而实际...
2019-06-03 11:01 −1.问题:在用rman进行0级备份时,报错: ORA-19504: failed to create file "/u01/backup/db_0_20190603_1"ORA-27038: created file already exists 2.通过报错,可以看到是文件重复:cr... 高伟-林州 0 1366 RMAN 报:ORA-19504 ORA-27038 ...
ORA-27038: created file already exists Additional information: 1 The failing command is: backup as copy datafile 1 to '/tmp/system00.dbf'; Or incase ASM is used : RMAN> run { allocate channel ch1 device type disk; backup as copy datafile 1 format '+DATA/psrs01a/datafile/system_01.dbf...
ORA-19504: failed to create file "/opt/oracle/rmanback/arch_ORCL_20101110_1544" ORA-27038: created file already exists Additional information: 1 报错原因: 脚本中arch_%d_%T_%s没有一个参数指定了唯一值,所以在创建备份集时出现相同的备份集名,所以报错 ...
ORA-27038: created file already exists Additional information: 1 IMP-00003: ORACLE error 959 encountered ORA-00959: tablespace '<tablespace_name>' does not exist IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1917: "GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO "<user name>"" IMP-00003: ORACLE error ...
ORA-19504:failedtocreatefile“/home/oracle/backup/full2009_08_A” ORA-27038:createdfilealreadyexists 这个问题第一次在客户的测试机上执行是成功的,第二次报错,在我自己测试的时候,全新 安装的ORACLE也有这样的问题,为什么会出现这样的问题,请看下面的分析: ...
unlimited;alter tablespace d_wiscom add datafile '/oradata/data/orcl/datafile02.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 50m maxsize unlimited*ERROR at line 1:ORA-01119: error in creating database file '/oradata/data/orcl/datafile02.dbf'ORA-27038: created file already exists...