ORA-08103: object no longer exists 是Oracle 数据库中的一个错误,表示 SQL 语句在执行过程中发现引用的对象(如表或视图)已不再存在。这通常发生在对象被其他用户删除或由于之前的恢复操作将数据库恢复到对象被删除的时间点之后。 可能导致该错误出现的原因 对象被删除:在 SQL 语句执行期间,对象被其他用户或进程...
写个存储过程向临时表中插⼊数据,并从临时表中返回数据,在PL/SQL Developer中测试没问题,但⽤ASP.NET应⽤程序获取数据时出现:ORA-08103: object no longer exists 错误提⽰。 后来,把临时表的创建选项由on commit delete rows改为on commit preserve rows;解决! 但是,问题总出在“但是”上...
写个存储过程向临时表中插入数据,并从临时表中返回数据,在PL/SQL Developer中测试没问题,但用ASP.NET应用程序获取数据时出现:ORA-08103: object no longer exists 错误提示。 后来,把临时表的创建选项由on commit delete rows改为on commit preserve rows;解决! 但是,问题总出在“但是”上 :) 在ASP.Net页中查...
ORA-08103: object no longer exists 记录一起ORA-08103的排查事件。同事在执行批处理时遇到了此问题,但通过SQL查询并未发现问题,重新运行批处理也未再出现错误。然而,此情况近期已发生两次。为了追踪原因,我查询了依赖关系:执行以下SQL语句:SELECT FROM DBA_DEPENDENCIES T WHERE NAME LIKE 'P_RPT...
ORA-08103: object no longer exists 2.问题分析:使用 select creat_time from ZLDOC.BZ_DOC_LOG ...
可能是实例没有启动或实例不存在了 sqlplus /nolog conn 用户名/密码@实例名 as sysdba;shutdown immediate;startup;
简介:写个存储过程向临时表中插入数据,并从临时表中返回数据,在PL/SQL Developer中测试没问题,但用ASP.NET应用程序获取数据时出现:ORA-08103: object no longer exists 错误提示。 写个存储过程向临时表中插入数据,并从临时表中返回数据,在PL/SQL Developer中测试没问题,但用ASP.NET应用程序获取数据时出现:ORA-...
When getting the data from the temporary table of Oracle defined in the way as below, you may run into the error “ORA-08103: object no longer exists on using setfetchsize of Hirabenate” CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE OMWB_TEST (
Yesterday, application team informed us about production job failure with error: ORA-08103 Object no longer exists. It was simple select query on object with type VIEW. I tried rerunning query which ran without any issue. I tried to investigate, if the u
08103, 00000, "object no longer exists" // *Cause: The object has been deleted by another user since the operation // began, or a prior incomplete recovery restored the database to // a point in time during the deletion of the object. ...