MeshSkinning.Update 打开之后,对CalcMatrices 函数有几百倍的影响,几乎消失了 这里Unity 实现的逻辑是,把 CalcMatrices 函数丢到 Work Thread 中,这样主线程的开销就非常非常小了同时开启 Multithread Rendering & Optimize GameObjects当我们同时打开两个选项时,会发现对性能的提升并不是很大,这个现象很奇怪这个...
ModelImporter.optimizeGameObjects 能够优化骨骼动画,将无用的骨骼合并,效率测试官方给出的数据差距比较大( Unity CJ 干货分享:全新的Unity移动游戏优化解决方案),差距很大,默认关闭。我实际测试发现,设置此选项后的蒙皮骨骼动画模型,不收动态缩放影响,只能保持导入的大小;在手机上(忘了啥手机,好像是中兴的一个低端机...
Version:Unity 6(6000.0) C# ModelImporter.optimizeGameObjects Leave feedback public booloptimizeGameObjects; Description Animation optimization setting. In the GameObjects hierarchy of a character, the GameObjects which only contain Transform component, will be optimized out unless they are specified inext...
Unity使用的是贝姆垃圾收集器(Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector),它会停止运行你的程序代码只有当它执行结束之后才会恢复程序的正常运行。(which stops running your program code and only resumes normal execution when it has finished its work) 贝姆垃圾收集器参考文档:A garbage collector for C and...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “” project 2. Open the “Scene” Scene (Assets > Scenes) 3. In t...
勾选了Optimize Game Objects,猜测Native层RootBone的TransformHandle可能还是存在的
A Unity Editor tool that automatically optimizes selected UI game objects (including Prefabs) to save you time. - JoanStinson/UnityUIOptimizationTool
Both of Unity'sPhysics Engines work by evaluating the object's mass-normalized-kinetic-energy, whichessentially boils down to the magnitude of its velocity-squared.If the object's velocity has not exceeded some threshold value after a short time, then thePhysics Engine will assume that the ...
使用Camera.main很简单,但是这种操作的性能非常糟糕。这是因为在每个Camera.main调用背后,Unity 其实会执行FindGameObjectsWithTag()来获取结果,因此频繁调用Camera.main并不好。 最好的解决方法是在Start或Awake方法中缓存Camera.main的引用。 //未优化的代码voidUpdate(){Camera.main.orthographicSize//对摄像机的一些...