Optimal Control Systems-D. S. NaiduNo AbstractMossberg, M.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL AC
High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries1,2. However, dietary and behavioural determinants of blood cholesterol are changing rapidly throughout the world3 and countries are using lipid-lowering medications at
Optimal Control: Applications & Methods, 28(2):59-75, March-April 2007.Naidu DS,,Imura Y.Unified approach for open–loop optimal control. Optimal Control: Applications and Methods . 2007Imura Y,Naidu DS.Unified approach for open-loop optimal control with applications to aerospace systems....
Subbaram Naidu, D. (2006), 1. The calculus of variations and functional analysis with optimal control and applications in mechanics, L. P. Lebedev and M. J. Cloud, WorldScientific, Singapore, 2003, xiii+420pp., Price $94.00, ISBN: 981-238-581-9 2. An introduction to modern variational...
D. S. Naidu, "Fuel-optimal trajectories of aeroassisted orbital transfer with plane change,"AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Boston, MA, Aug. 14–16, 1989. Google Scholar M. Athans, "The role and use of stochastic linear-quadratic-Gaussian problem in control system design,...
D. Subbaram NaiduSpringer NetherlandsH. M. Nguyen and D. S. Naidu. Optimal Power Conversion of Standalone Wind Energy Conversion Systems Using Fuzzy Adaptive Control, IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 247, Sep. 2013, pp. 51-66....
M.: Real-time computation of neighboring optimal control laws. AIAA Guidance, Navigation an Control Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, CA. AIAA Paper 2002–4465 (2002) Naidu, S.N., Hibey, J.L., Charalambous, C.B.: Neighboring optimal guidance for aeroassisted orbital transfer. IEEE Trans....
^The second method is based on neighboring optimal control with constraints. ^(Author)NaiduD. S.In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Portland, OR, Aug. 9-11, 1999, Collection of Technical Papers. Vol. 2 (A99-36576 09-63), Reston, VA, American Institute of...
5144564Rotor position estimation of a permanent magnet synchronous-machine for high performance drive1992-09-01Naidu et al.364/494 5038092Current control system for inverter1991-08-06Asano et al.318/811 Primary Examiner: LEYKIN, RITA Attorney, Agent or Firm: ...
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Vol.1Murillo,Martin.Discrete-time Optimal Control Systems With State Constraints.AIAA Paper 2002 4665.Murillo MJ,Naidu DS.Discrete-time optimal control systems with state constraints.AIAA Guidance, Control, and Navigation (GN&C) Conference and ...