Some embodiments of the present inventive concept provide optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems for integration with a microscope. The OCT system includes a sample arm coupled to the imaging path of a microscope. The sample arm includes an input beam zoom assembly including at least two ...
光学相干断层扫描仪 Optical coherence tomography system,该产品由OCT主体和CAM模组组成。OCT主体由光学部件、电源、操纵杆和三维位移机架(含头托、颚托)构成,其中光学部件由光源、照明光学系统、分光器、成像光学系统和CCD接收器构成。CAM模组:角膜透镜适配器CAM。,光学
产品名称(英文)Optical coherence tomography system 结构及组成/主要组成成分该产品由iVue扫描头、控制盒、操纵杆、角膜透镜适配器CAM和三维位移机架(含头托、颚托)组成,配合适用的软件为iVue(版本1.4)。IVue扫描头和控制盒中的光学部件由光源、照明光学系统、分光器、成像光学系统和CCD接收器构成。
Fujino, A. et al. A new optical coherence tomography-based calcium scoring system to predict stent under expansion.EuroIntervention, April 2018; 13(18):e2182-e2189. Prati, F. et al. The CLI-OPCI II Study.JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 2015: Vol 8, No. 11:1297-305. ...
大小写变形:Optical coherence tomography 实用场景例句 全部 Anoptical coherence tomographysystem with depth - resolution 8 & micro ; m and broadband source ( SLD ) is implemented. 利用宽带光源 SLD 实现了纵向分辨率为8微米的光学相干层析成像系统. ...
we present a neurovascular high-frequency optical coherence tomography (HF-OCT) system, including an imaging console and an endoscopic probe designed to rapidly acquire volumetric microscopy data at a resolution approaching 10 microns in tortuous cerebrovascular anatomies. Using a combination of in vitro...
and hence the two beams will interfere if the path length difference of the two arms in the interferometer is within the coherence length of the optical signal. This coherence gating allows the detection system to discriminate between reflections from closely spaced reflectors, thus enabling high re...
Database Management System (“DBMS”) is a computer process used to store, sort, manipulate and update the data required to provide Selective Routing and ALI. Computed tomography means the production of a tomogram by the acquisition and computer processing of X-ray transmission data. General purpo...
A deep learning system for automated angle-closure detection in anterior segment optical coherence tomography images. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019;203:37–45. Article PubMed Google Scholar Fu H, Xu Y, Lin S, Wong DWK, Baskaran M, Mahesh M, et al. Angle-closure detection in anterior segment OCT...
光学(弱)相干层析成像(OpticalCoherenceTomography,OCT)《生物 液晶可调滤光片(LCTF,多光谱滤光片) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4.5 层析(tomography)成像 -扩散光学层析成像(Diffused Optical Tomography, DOT) X-CT OPT: Same principle of X-CT applied in optics 对于高散射的生物组织: 弹道...