optical technology refers to the use of light for various applications in technology, computing, programming, internet, and communications. it involves the transmission, manipulation, and detection of light for data transfer, imaging, sensing, and other purposes. how does optical communication work?
The optical microscope has revolutionized biology since at least the 17th Century. Since then, it has progressed from a largely observational tool to a powerful bioanalytical platform. However, realizing its full potential to study live specimens is hind
The visualization and assessment of retinal microvasculature are important in the study, diagnosis, monitoring, and guidance of treatment of ocular and systemic diseases. With the introduction of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), it has become possible to visualize the retinal microvasculatur...
Acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN) can cause sudden-onset and permanent scotoma in healthy young patients. Analysis of optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive technique for cross-sectional tissue imaging. It typically uses light in the near-infrared spectral range which has a penetration depth of several hundred microns in tissue. The backscattered light is measured with an interferometric set-up to re...
It can work as a complementary imaging modality. 5.7. Summary The MTAI is well explored for a wide variety of pre-clinical and potential clinical applications. Table 10 provides a summary of the main applications of MTAI and the associated potential research directions. It is noted, however, ...
doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2022.3763 multimedia icon Multimedia Video (0:57) Intraoperative Wide-Field Optical Coherence Tomography Scanning Process Video (0:28) Real-Time Volumetric Review and Analysis of Intraoperative Wide-Field Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Data Key Points Question Does wide-field ...
Fifty-one eyes were measured using Anterion®, Argos® and IOLMaster® 700 swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) biometers, a Pentacam® AXL partial coherence interferometry (PCI) biometer, and an OcuScan® RxP ultrasound biometer. We measured keratometry (K1, flattest kera...
Joseph Izatt’s work advanced the science of imaging in biophotonics and brought optical coherence tomography imaging to the eye care of infants and children and, as live feedback for the surgeon, to ophthalmic microsurgery. Marinko V. Sarunic ...
While the PARS and OCT system recover nuclear morphology and tissue structures, the scattering contrast of OCT does not provide tissue specificity. Therefore, it may be difficult to differentiate extranuclear biomolecules such as collagen or lipids. To resolve this issue, it may be advantageous to ...