The meaning of OPPOSITE is set over against something that is at the other end or side of an intervening line or space. How to use opposite in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Opposite.
Synonyms for MEDIATE: halfway, middle, intermediary, medial, central, median, intermediate, mid; Antonyms of MEDIATE: extreme, farthest, utmost, remotest, outermost, furthest, outer, peripheral
“The understanding of the mechanics of how one earthquake could initiate another while being widely separated in distance and time is still largely speculative,” O’Malley said. “But irrespective of the specific mechanics involved, evidence shows that triggering does take place, ...
Synonyms for DAMAGE: harm, injury, detriment, hurt, insult, offence, wound, injustice; Antonyms of DAMAGE: recovery, healing, remedy, cure, fix, repair, rebuild, patch
Synonyms for FOXY: cute, cunning, subtle, slick, wily, crafty, deceptive, sly; Antonyms of FOXY: innocent, artless, guileless, ingenuous, obvious, plain, real, public
Synonyms for POIGNANT: emotional, impressive, exciting, excitable, touching, passionate, inspirational, moving; Antonyms of POIGNANT: unemotional, unimpressive, dispassionate, detached, cool, cold, unaffecting, emotionless
Synonym Chooser How does the noun deception differ from other similar words? Some common synonyms of deception are double-dealing, fraud, subterfuge, and trickery. While all these words mean "the acts or practices of one who deliberately deceives," deception may or may not imply blameworthiness...
Synonyms for AMBIGUOUS: cryptic, obscure, dark, enigmatic, enigmatical, vague, mysterious, unclear; Antonyms of AMBIGUOUS: obvious, clear, unambiguous, unequivocal, plain, understandable, accessible, distinct
Synonyms for FAVORABLE: positive, good, appreciative, approving, friendly, complimentary, commendatory, supportive; Antonyms of FAVORABLE: unfavorable, negative, adverse, unfriendly, derogatory, unflattering, uncomplimentary, disapproving
Synonyms for LURID: gruesome, horrific, shocking, nightmare, horrible, frightening, horrifying, terrible; Antonyms of LURID: attractive, pleasant, delightful, delicious, appealing, enticing, welcome, satisfying