Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? Popular in Wordplay See All Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) ...
It will always land on a spectrum. Me depressed when you end up hating Ladies Vs Butlers In order to recommend an anime to someone in good faith, you must know that person intimately, it is not enough to simply have access to that person’s MAL/Anilist/Kitsu. You can’t simply base ...
•Atthe other endof the politicalspectrum, some left-leaning thinktankstake money from interested parties.•Another doorlayonthe other sideof the room.•At least if you did notcrossbeyond, say, tothe other sideof the school.•And now he hadfinishedtraining, and was gone to find his...
•Atthe other endof the politicalspectrum, some left-leaning thinktankstake money from interested parties.•Another doorlayonthe other sideof the room.•At least if you did notcrossbeyond, say, tothe other sideof the school.•And now he hadfinishedtraining, and was gone to find his...
At the other end of the spectrum, Tillet details the many criticisms aimed at Walker’s novel. AsKirkusnotes, the author initially had trouble getting her work published due to its lesbian characters and use of black dialect. When Walker submitted an excerpt toEssencemagazine, fo...
At the opposite end of the spectrum, the stand-up comedian's one-liner is also a form of epigram. Here are current examples of the genre, taken from the 2016 American presidential campaign trail: Donald Trump showed his birth certificate to reporters. Who cares about his birth certificate?
Part of the fascination is that stalking Frank on Facebook allows me—a liberal now in Portland, Oregon—to ponder the nuances of someone who’s fulminating at the other end of the blue/red spectrum. Because he keeps surprising me, both with the extremity of his Trumpy ideas and with ide...
On the other end of the open-closed spectrum, some deep crustal environments are impacted by the penetration of surface-derived paleometeoric water with residence times in the ka-Ma range to depths of more than 1 km16,17. Moab Khotsong Mine (26.9792°S, 26.7815°E) is a gold and ...
At the other end of the spectrum, about 1 in 10 are what might be called “hardcore sceptics”, using language like “scam” in relation to climate change. Over 1/4 of the responders say they have a PhD, and a further 1/3 have some form of degree. More than 1/4 say they ...
On the other end of the spectrum, however, I just witnessed the “smile-without-the-eyes” wag yesterday. Baern was meeting a tall 3-year-old GSD that we were considering adopting, and Baern utterly abhored him on sight. His tail was held as high as possible–waving gently (like a wa...