Change IP Address and Set Up DHCP The first step is the change the IP address of OpenWrt and the DHCP server it hosts. Why? Because if your home network is also set up to use the network192.168.1.0/24, OpenWrt will be struggling to find the correct routes to reach it, as it uses...
配置动态获取 uci set network.lan.proto=dhcp 配置静态IP 设置IP配置方式:uci set network.lan.proto='static' 设置LAN口的IP地址:uci set network.lan.ipaddr='' 设置LAN口的子网掩码:uci set network.lan.netmask='' 设置LAN口的网关地址:uci set network.lan.gateway='192.168....
配置动态获取 uci set network.lan.proto=dhcp 配置静态IP 设置IP配置方式:uci set network.lan.proto=’static’ 设置LAN口的IP地址:uci set network.lan.ipaddr=’′ 设置LAN口的子网掩码:uci set network.lan.netmask=’′ 设置LAN口的网关地址:uci set network.lan.gateway=’192...
OpenWrt# uci set network.lan.ifname='eth1.1' 5. 在lan2上使能DHCP服务: OpenWrt# uci set dhcp.lan2=dhcp OpenWrt# uci set dhcp.lan2.interface='lan2' OpenWrt# uci set dhcp.lan2.start='100' OpenWrt# uci set dhcp.lan2.limit='150' OpenWrt# uci set dhcp.lan2.leasetime='12h' 6....
网络服务配置/etc/config/dhcp 防火墙配置/etc/config/firewall 网络接口 OpenWrt网络接口一般包含lan口和wan口,但如果是X86等设备,只设置了一张网卡,只会生成lan口信息,在虚拟机中我们默认只配置一个网卡,方便配置网络,等熟悉基本网络配置后再尝试将OpenWrt打造成一台路由器。
uci set network.lan.dns=[上级路由 ip] //dns 指向上级路由 uci set dhcp.lan.ignore=1 // 关掉 lan 的 dhcp 最后对无线网络进行配置 Shell 代码 uci set wireless.@wifi-device [0].disabled=0 // 打开无线 uci set wireless.@wifi-device [0].txpower=17 // 设置功率为 17dbm 太高会烧无线模块...
OpenWrt# uci set network.lan2.ipaddr='' OpenWrt# uci set network.lan2.netmask='' 将默认LAN接口lan切换到VLAN1上: OpenWrt# uci set network.lan.ifname='eth1.1' 在lan2上使能DHCP服务: OpenWrt# uci set dhcp.lan2=dhcp ...
uci commit dhcp /etc/init.d/odhcpd restart 配置防火墙 # Configure firewall uciset$(uci show firewall | sed -n -e"/\.name='wan'$/s//.masq6='1'/p"| sed -n -e"1p") uciset$(uci show firewall | sed -n -e"/\.name='Allow-ICMPv6-Forward'$/s//.enabled='0'/p"| sed -...
神,一定需要手动设置 ip 地址和网关,参考一些教程会设置为.x.2害死我了,第一次连接IP、子网掩码、网关的静态设置非常重要,因为镜像的LAN口默认不会开启DHCP,需要手动设置静态IP进入openwrt后台后开启DHCP docker旁路由,有参考价值,有宿主机通信 【Docker】macvlan网络模式下容器与宿主机互通 - Rehtt's Blog - 个...
Set the time manually, in the event the system can't sync it's time with an external server: # date # date -k So our brand new NTP server is sitting on: Let's now set the Date / Time to sync from this NTP server. For Cisco switches: ...