from this issue almost on every boot. :( Right after boot: {{{ root@nexx:~# ss -lnu Netid State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port Cannot open netlink socket: Protocol not supported udp UNCONN 0 0 *:53 *:* udp UNCONN 0 0 :::546 :::* udp UNCONN 0 0 ::...
(however, ip-tiny was added due to DSA, so it makes sense that it should not be needed for anything else) brada4 commented Nov 11, 2023 If you loop br-lan dhcp server with wan dhcp client in a software bridge the result in semi-technical terms becomes "dhcp not working" Member An...
2009) 固件版本: OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r22480-18d516a649 LuCI版本: git-23.051.66410-a505bb1 内核版本: 5.15.105 处理器架构: x86_64 #此项有值时,如不使用IPv6,建议到网络-接口-lan的设置中禁用IPV6的DHCP IPV6-DHCP: server DNS劫持: Dnsmasq 转发 #DNS劫持为Dnsmasq...
Tip! Note that default DHCP will allocate on 192.168.1.x, which is different subnet to the address you allocated above. This is why you can't connect until you change your IP address. D-Link 恢复模式脚本地址 初...
所有与无线有关的设置存放在本地文件 /etc/config/wireless中,我们可以用 vi 来编辑并修改它,这个配置文件是针对无线设备以及无线网络的。在这里需要区分理解的是,无线设备在wiki英文原文是 wireless devices ,无线网络在wiki英文原文是 wireless networks。
config interface 'lan' option ifname 'eth1' option force_link '1' option type 'bridge' option proto 'static' option netmask '' option ip6assign '60' option ipaddr '' config interface 'wan' option ifname 'eth0' option proto 'dhcp' config interface 'stream_vpn...
interface类型的节声明了逻辑网络接口,可以为这些接口指定IP地址、别名、物理网络接口名称、路由规则及防火墙规则。 一个最简的interface节包含以下行: config 'interface' 'wan' option 'proto' 'dhcp' option 'ifname' 'eth0.1' wan是唯一的逻辑网络接口名称 dhcp指定接口协议...
Why don't odhcpd setup a working IPv6 also on wlan? Do you have any hint? Please tell me if you need some more information to answer the question. Thanks and regards, Lars ... Jonas Gorski 9 years ago Permalink Post by Lars Bjørndal ...
it stops flashing, you can connect to it Tip! Note that default DHCP will allocate on 192.168.1.x, which is different subnet to the address you allocated above. This is why you can't connect until you change your IP address.初始配置请看下⼀篇 Netgear刷OpenWrt 1. 下载好对应固件 ...
dhcpd 是一个DHCP 服务器,openwrt 未使用。 dhcpd 和dnsmasq 在软件包配置中默认都是选中的,既然dhcpd 没有使用,就可以不编译dhcpd,配置Openwrt 如下: root@zjh-vm:/home/work/openwrt/barrier_breaker# make menuconfig Base system * dnsmasq dnsmasq-dhcpv6 dnsmasq-full Network odhcpd 只选中dnsmasq 这个...