After downloading each of the CLI binaries, the simplest solution is to unpack the binary and use the full path, for example “C:/Users/Andrew/Downloads/openshift-client-windows/oc.exe”, whenever you need to interact with your OpenShift cluster. However, this is not the most convenient wa...
a. oc client for windows 自行下载后,解压缩到%homepath%\.minishift\cache\oc\v3.11.0\Windows下。 b. centos7 iso:
在 Windows 节点可用后,您可以在 OpenShift Container Platform 中运行 Windows 容器工作负载。 Red Hat OpenShift 对 Windows Containers 的发行注记介绍了 WMCO 的开发,它在 OpenShift Container Platform 中提供所有 Windows 容器工作负载功能。 2.2. 获取支持 Windows Container Support ...
5、安装PuTTY,并用PuTTY远程控制你的空间,redhat官网上有教程 安装完后你就可以轻松的管你的空间了,想干什么就干什么,当然,这是不可能的,哈哈
点OpenShift v4.12 Windows Client条目旁的Download Now来保存文件。 使用ZIP 程序解压存档。 将oc二进制文件移到PATH 中的目录中。 要查看您的PATH,请打开命令提示并执行以下命令: C:\>path Copy 安装OpenShift CLI 后,可以使用oc命令: C:\>oc Copy 在macOS...
We can download the Mac OS setup binaries for the same location as for Windows and later unzip it at a location and set a path of executable under the environment PATH variable.AlternativelyWe can use Home brew and set it up using the following command....
You can develop locally on your host or with a virtual machine, or if you want to just try out Origin download the latest Linux server, or Windows and Mac OS X client pre-built binaries. First, get up and running with the Contributing Guide. All contributions are welcome - OKD uses the...
- href: text: Download oc for Windows for x86_64 - href: text: Download oc for Linux for ARM 64 (unsupported) ...
Install the latest versions ofVagrantandVirtualbox. You'll need both and they will make your life easier. Also, please install the OpenShift client for windows. Download the one for your os from theorigin project on github. The windows build has 16 MB. Next is to unpack it into a folder...
Window oc客户端: $ oc login IP:8443 ## 安装部署工具helm 1、在下列网站下载helm的相关版本: ...