First, install allbuild dependencies. Clone this repository. Then build theopenshift-installbinary with: This will createbin/openshift-install. This binary can then be invoked to create an OpenShift cluster, like so: bin/openshift-install create cluster ...
接下来在openshift4里面安装ocs组件,来对接之前安装的ceph节点。 # check ceph versinoceph tell osd.* version python --helppython --rbd-data-pool-nametest--rgw-endpoint --run-as-user client.ocs#...
FATAL failed to fetch Install Config: failed to fetch dependency of "Install Config": failed to fetch dependency of "Base Domain": failed to generate asset "Platform": unable to list clusters: cluster '/Networks/...' not found [root@rhocp-helper01 download]# openshift-install create install...
Description openshift_install fails to install cluster on openstack FATAL failed to fetch Metadata: failed to load asset "Install Config": failed to create a volume client: No suitable endpoint could be found in the service catalog. open...
$ openshift-install create manifests --dir=<installation-dir> ERROR failed to fetch Master Machines: failed to load asset "Install Config": failed to create install config: failed to unmarshal install-config.yaml: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: failed to Unmarshal string: json: ...
wget -P /ocp-tools wget -P /ocp-tools Issue these commands: ls -la /ocp-tools cd ...
Using filetranspiler, create a new ignition file based on the one created by openshift-install. Please note in this example bootstrap.ign is my original ignition file created by the openshift-install utility. Continuing with the example of my bootstrap server; it looks like this: ...
Openshift offline install openebs_lvm-localpv 准备条件 1.1 ocp 集群 确保集群状态正常并包含 Master 和 Worker 节点。 $ oc get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION master1 Ready control-plane,master 20h v1.27.16+03a907c master2 Ready control-plane,master 21h v1.27.16+03a907c...
OpenShift Local provides a quick and easy way to set up a local OpenShift cluster on your desktop or laptop. This allows you to test your applications and configuration parameters before sending them to production. It's also a great option to learn or practice OpenShift skills that will be...