Because of the fact that it was created purely to deal with graphics, it is simpler than DirectX by nature. Its flexibility is one of the best features, greatly appreciated in the gaming industry. OpenGL is primarily used for multiplatform development so if you want to create games for PlayS...
DirectX 圖形介面 (DXGI) 和多個 Direct3D API 的作用與 EGL 相同。 本主題可協助您從 EGL 的觀點瞭解 DXGI 和 Direct3D 11。 將OpenGL ES 2.0 緩衝區、統一和頂點屬性與 Direct3 進行比較 在從OpenGL ES 2.0 移植到 Direct3D 11 的過程中,您必須變更在應用程式和著色器程式之間傳遞資料的語法和 API 行為...
DirectX 程式設計 開始使用 範例 Direct3D 圖形概念 基礎 新增功能 最佳化與進階主題 從DirectX 9 移植到 UWP 將Direct3D 移植到 OpenGL 將Direct3D 移植到 OpenGL 將OpenGL ES 對應到 Direct3D 將OpenGL 轉譯器移植到 Direct3D 從OpenGL 到 Direct3D 的參考 ...
本主题会在创建新的 DirectX 11 项目之后开始。 若要了解如何创建新的 DirectX 11 项目, 请阅读创建新的用于通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 的 DirectX 11 项目。 通过上面任一链接创建的项目准备了Direct3D基础结构的所有代码, 你可以直接执行将呈现器从 Open GL ES 2.0 移植到 Direct3D 11 的过程。 本主题介绍...
使用 DirectXMath 類型 (例如 XMFLOAT4) 而不是平台類型 (例如float* 或float[4]) 可確保正確的資料元素對齊。常數緩衝區必須有相關聯的 GPU 暫存器,用來參考 GPU 上的該資料。 資料會封裝到暫存器位置,如緩衝區的配置所指示。Direct3D 11:建立常數緩衝區並將資料上傳至該緩衝區...
graphics programmers, they believe Microsoft's marketing. Then, when the gaming press and public are all talking about DirectX, it starts to make rational short-term business sense for developers to use DirectX and ride Microsoft's marketing wave, even if it doesn't make sense for other ...
* Microsoft DirectX* *Runtime Version: 12Hardware-Supported Version: 12Vendor ID: 8086Device ID: 46A6Device Revision: 0CGFX Driver Version: RAM: 128 MBShared RAM: 8 GBMax Supported Displays: 4GFX Vulcan: 1.3.250GFX GOP: 21.0.1046 * Digital ...
We have a few goals as a part of this new work: Improve support for OpenCL- and OpenGL-based productivity and creative apps where native drivers are not available. We talk a lot about gaming on this blog, but this time the focus is on work, not play. By building the mapping layers ...
this happens all the time with DirectX., as DirectX 9 / 10-11 / 12 are all very different APIs; each eventually being abandoned. Support today isn't via Updated Drivers, but rather the Windows DirectX Emulation Layer. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a DirectX 8.1 / 9.x /...
NVIDIA Game Ready drivers now supportImage Sharpeningfor Vulkan and OpenGL, as well as DirectX games. However, you will need tomanually turned it on, and set it up. In this guide, we will share with you the benefits of turning on NVIDIA Image Sharpening, and how to turn it on for your...