检查崩溃报告进入.minecraft文件夹。进入crash-reports文件夹。找到与您崩溃时间对应的.txt文件。点进去,然后如下图所示。 .minecraft\crash-reports 假设该文件是我要寻找的崩溃日志 第1~2行:废话 第3~4行:报错时间和报错原因(您可以自行使用翻译软件翻译一下,因为情况太多,列举不完) 接下来是堆栈区(概念不用理解...
关闭视频设置-性能 中的区域渲染
When I turn on fabulous graphics, my minecraft chat is spammed with "OpenGL Error: 1281 (Invalid value) The optifine version is Optifine 1.16.1 pre10 and I installed it the regular way, downloading it from the site, opening it, then clicking install, and I have no other mods installed...
I'm currently using the newest version of DoubleSlabs and these mods: https://imgur.com/a/arRx2Qv , most of which are from Serilum's "The Vanilla Experience" modpack (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/the-vanilla-experience). I'm getting an OpenGL Error 1281 Removing ...
Minecraft OpenGL Error 1281 is a common issue affecting users playing the game, caused by factors like JAVA or mods. Solutions include removing shaders, disabling mods, updating graphics drivers, disabling GL error display, reinstalling JAVA, and updating OptiFine. ...
How to fix Minecraft OpenGL Error 1281? It is a common error related to the OpenGL debugging settings. OpenGL, formally known as the Open Graphics Library helps in reducing the rendering load on the system, thereby making a game run faster and smoother on a computer. Gaming applications like...
Related post: How to fix Minecraft OpenGL Error 1281 on Windows PC Why is my OpenGL not working? OpenGL errors can be caused by a variety of reasons including corrupt OS files, outdated drivers, poorly developed apps, incorrect system configurations, and more. To successfully troubleshoot OpenGL...
不知道您是否经历过这样的情况,当您在玩minecraft时,右下角突然蹦出来一条信息。上面写着: OpenGL Error:128*(*** ***) PCL报错 上述文本会出现在聊天框里,反复刷屏,甚至会导致游戏崩溃,影响游戏体验。所以本篇文章可能会帮助您摆脱这样的烦恼。 二、...