syntax error at or near "BINARY" ,提示应该是copy 命令进行binaryimport时出错了,请问这个错误是因为数据库不支持这个命令还是不支持这种语法吗? 是否是使用copy_option 选项呢?
postgres=# SELECT *, LEVEL FROM te1 CONNECT BY PRIOR id = pid; ERROR: syntax error at or near "BY"LINE 3: CONNECT BY PRIOR id = pid;postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS ( VALUES (1) union ALL SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100)SELECT sum(n) FROM t; ...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "BY" LINE 3: CONNECT BY PRIOR id = pid; postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS ( VALUES (1) union ALL SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100) ...
MariaDB [sbtest]> create or replace table t1 (id int, c1 bit, c2 boolean); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.005 sec) (shawnyan@192) [dolphindb] 15:18:54> create or replace table t1 (id int, c1 bit, c2 boolean); ERROR: syntax error at or near "table" LINE 1: create or replace...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "for"LINE 1: create table t_oltp_compress (id number) ...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "CONCURRENTLY" LINE 1: REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY mv_big_tab_count ; ^ Time: 0.322 ms 再次查看统计数据。 omm=# select num from mv_big_tab_count ; num --- 150001 (1 row) Time: 0.550 ms 支持UPSERT...
create database 'test3' owner joe; #ERROR: syntax error at or near "`" create database "test4" owner joe; #OK drop database test1; drop database "test4"; 2、数据库名大小写敏感验证 创建数据库 create database test1 owner joe; ...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "BY" LINE 3: CONNECT BY PRIOR id = pid; postgres=# WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS ( VALUES (1) union ALL SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100) SELECT sum(n) FROM t; sum --- 5050 (1 row) 1.
Uncomment only one, leave it on its own line: bug What happened: 1.创建表 create table i(i varchar(10)); 2.创建索引 create index idx on i(i) COLLATE 'zh_CN'; 报错: ERROR: syntax error at or near 'zh_CN' 请确认openGauss是否支持collate~ ...
insert into json_map values('{"person":{"name":"jack","age":1}}') select v -> 'person' ->> 'age' as age from json_map 2、两种模式表现不同 在A模式下查询成功,预期输出age=1 在B模式下查询失败,ERROR: syntax error at or near "->>" LINE 1: select v -> 'person' ->> 'age...