1.ga_om:commandnot found 极简版gs_ctl就没有gs_om这个工具,企业版才有
解决办法:source /etc/profile、source ~/.bashrc 6.当输入命令:gsql -d postgres -p 26000 -r 出现如下错误:gsql:command not found… 将gsql添加到环境变量中,可以在clusterconfig.xml看gsql文件的位置,默认在/gauss/app下,通过ls查看(注意app这个文件可能后面有一串字符,所以先进入/gauss下然后通过ls查看,...
Error: Failed to register other ssh-agent,outputis[Failed to ssh-add perform.Error: /root/.ssh/./ssh-agent.sh: line18: expect: command not found] reslove: 解决方案:需要在三个节点上都部署好相关依赖包,单个节点依赖包不全可能会导致预安装不通过 yum install-y java-1.8.0-openjdk* psmisc* b...
""" 注:提示-bash: wget: command not found (这是在Mini版本下) 解决办法:http://mirrors.163.com/.help/centos.html,下载对应的版本 将文件上传至/etc/yum.repos.d/ yum clean all yum makecache yum -y install wget 再重新执行即可 """ yum clean all yum install -y lksctp* yum install -y j...
[root@node1 lib]# pwd /opt/odbc/odbc/lib [root@node1 lib]# pw -bash: pw: command not found [root@node1 lib]# pwd /opt/odbc/odbc/lib [root@node1 lib]# cp /opt/odbc/odbc/lib/* /usr/local/lib/ 将openGauss-x.x.x-ODBC.tar.gz解压后lib目录中的库拷贝到“/usr/local/lib”...
step 2]: check install env and os setting install.sh: line 91: netstat: command not found On...
Error: [FAILURE] opendb02: bash: python3: command not found --解决办法 备库升级python yum install python3 问题4:[GAUSS-50202] : The /opt/huawei/install must be empty --问题描述 [root@opendb01 script]# ./gs_preinstall -U omm -G dbgrp -X /topsoft/soft/openGauss/cluster_config.xml...
FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command could not send data to server: Broken pipe The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded. openGauss=# \d+ FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command could not send data to server: Broken pipe The ...
Users online:2To run acommandas administrator(user"root"),use"sudo <command>".[omm@gaussdb1 ~]$ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 切换进入解压目录 进入解压后目录下的simpleInstall
gcc: Command not found A:请尝试在root用户下执行以下命令安装gcc,然后重新安装chameleon,或者openGauss在安装时三方件中已经存在了gcc,加载安装openGauss时相关的环境变量即可。 yum install gcc Q:使用whl包安装chameleon时遇到以下报错该怎么办? mysql-replication 0.44.0 requires pymysql>=1.1.0,but you'll have...